Review Policy

Review Policy

Review policy update image 2023


Apologies we are not accepting review requests at this time.


Whispering Stories is a UK based book blog which has a small team of reviewers. Check out the genres we read, and don’t, below to see which category your book falls in to.

Genres We Review

– Thriller
– Crime
– Detective
– Psychological
– Action
– Mystery
– Gothic
– Humour
– Romance
– Rom Coms
– YA
– Children’s Books (Only physical books – If you are outside the UK see below)
– Historical Fiction (Depending on era)
– Non-Fiction (Depending on subject – Physical books only – If you are outside the UK see below).

Genres We DO NOT Review

– Memoirs
– Autobiographies/Biographies
– Adult books with anthropomorphized animals
– Short Stories
– Fantasy
– Regency Romance
– Medical
– Political
– Religious
– Erotica
– Poetry
– Sci-Fi
– Horror
– Self-Help
– Essays
– How-to
– Business
– Parenting

Important Information

– For review purposes, we accept PDFs, epubs, or physical copies (sent to a U.K. Address). We do not accept Amazon gifts, NetGalley Widgets, or Edelweiss.

– For Children’s books and Non-Fiction books, we only review physical books. Children’s books are only reviewed on the blog on Tuesdays. If you are outside the UK and your book is available on a UK site such as Amazon UK, Blackwells, or Waterstones. We can source which is the cheapest and you can pay for the book via Paypal and we will purchase it with the funds. Just let us know this is how you would like to provide the book in your review request.

– We do not review sequels unless we have reviewed the previous book.

– We do not review books over 600 pages long.

– We do not accept more than one review request at a time per author. Once we have reviewed your book you may then send another review request.

– If you choose to send a physical copy we expect that you will keep our private information confidential. We also do not permit you to send other books to the address provided without emailing a review request first.

– Physical copies will also appear on our Instagram page.

– Lastly, please remember that Whispering Stories is not paid to review books. If you choose us to review your book what you get is an honest review which will be done as soon as we can and the review will be placed on Amazon (U.K.) and Goodreads, alongside our blog, Pinterest, and Twitter (X).

What to Include in Your Request

– Title
– Author Name
– Page Count
– Genre
– Release Date
– Blurb
– Book format you want to send us.

Please don’t hard sell your book to us. The above information is all that is required. Please send the information in the text of an email and don’t send us PDFs, etc with the info on.

Do not send your book to us until you have an answer as to whether we can review it.

Check out our Guide for Authors – Ten Tips on How to Request a Book Review.

About Your Review

– Once you have submitted your review request it can take around 3 working days to receive a response, sometimes longer when we receive a lot of requests in a short period of time.

– Please address your request to Stacey, don’t just send an impersonal mass copy email, this will be deleted.

– If we decline to review your book, it could be for many different reasons, including genre, content, how many books we have in that genre already, whether we are accepting review requests (states at the top of this page if we are not), if you have bought fake reviews (easy to spot on Amazon & Goodreads), we’ve checked the look inside on Amazon and we don’t believe it is for us. Please do not ask us to justify why we turned your book down.

– If we agree to review your book, please be aware that there will always be a wait for a review. We only have a small team and a review can take anything from a few weeks to a few months. Please don’t keep asking us whether we have read your book yet. On the day we review it, the review will feature on our Twitter(X) page and Goodreads. Amazon depends on how long it takes them to publish the review on their site, but it is always submitted to Amazon on the same day.

– We only post reviews of books that we award 3 stars or more due to it being a waste of our time for us to write a review for a book we didn’t enjoy. If your book is awarded less than 3 stars, or if we DNF your book, we will let you know that we have removed it book from our TBR list and will not be reviewing it.

– We post all our reviews on Amazon (U.K.), Goodreads, and Twitter (X) – If you have a Twitter (X) account give us a follow – You can find us @storywhispers.

– Once the review has been submitted we will not change it. We will not up the star rating. So please don’t ask.


To request a review email – (Email removed as we are not accepting review requests)

You do not have permission to use this email address for anything other than contacting us. You may not use it for adding to your newsletters, etc, without our written permission.

3 Responses

  1. 08/12/2017

    […] Whispering Stories […]

  2. 06/06/2019

    […] following this link and reading our review policy. At the bottom of the page it will tell you who to contact and […]

  3. 18/05/2020

    […] Whispering Stories […]