Committed by Chris Merritt – Book Review

Committed by Chris Merritt – Book Review

Committed by Chris Merrit


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Six days to stop a deadly attack. And no one else believes it’s real.

Former CIA undercover operative Ellen McGinley is battling to overcome PTSD when she stumbles upon a domestic terror plot. The deadly attack is due to take place in six days and will strike at the very heart of her homeland.

For Ellen, it’s a chance to find redemption for her greatest mistake – one she will never allow herself to forget.

But no sooner than she alerts the authorities, she finds herself diagnosed as delusional and locked in a psychiatric ward. No one believes her story.

She’s the only one who thinks the danger is real, which means she’s the only one who can stop it.

Ellen must draw on all her old skills to escape, stay alive, protect her family, and find those responsible – before all hell breaks loose.

Review by Stacey

Ellen McGinley is an ex-CIA operative who has been suffering from PTSD since an incident in Paris six years ago after which she left the CIA and became a full-time mother.

Ellen overhears a plot to cause a massive incident in the US in which many will die. Shortly afterward she is attacked but she uses her CIA training to defeat her attacker. Unfortunately, the police take her in for questioning and they don’t believe her story, especially as there is no evidence that she worked for the CIA. In the end, she is committed to a psychiatric hospital for a 72-hour evaluation.

How can Ellen make people believe her and save hundreds or even thousands of lives when those around her either think she is crazy or is working with some powerful people to keep her locked up?

Committed is a gripping and exciting novel that had me shouting at the pages to leave Ellen alone. Everyone seems to be against her including one of the patients who takes a pop at her more than once.

The story is told over 7 days which are split into three parts and feature present and past sections. We also get a few chapters from the ‘bad guys’. The narrative flows well and it sucks you into the plot. More than once I thought I’ll stop after this chapter and then kept on for a good few more. It is totally addictive.

Committed reminded a bit of Terminator Two when Sarah Connor is locked up and she is desperate to escape knowing that she needed to help save the world. Ellen reminded me a lot of her, especially her determination, strength, and fighting skills.

With plenty of action and tense moments, Committed is a breathtaking novel that I absolutely adored from the first page to the last.

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Chris Merritt

Chris Merritt

Hello! I’m a British author whose crime thrillers combine psychology, suspense, and characters you care about.

My first trilogy starred Zac Boateng and Kat Jones, two detectives motivated by family, who tackle organised crime and police corruption. LAST WITNESS, the second Boateng and Jones book, reached #13 in the UK Kindle chart in 2019.

My second series features detective Dan Lockhart – an ex-soldier with a missing wife – and psychologist Dr Lexi Green, an American living in London. These novels are darker, more psychological serial-killer cases, with romantic relationships as a central theme.

I began writing fiction in 2014, after previous careers as a diplomat, based in Iraq and Jerusalem, and later as a psychologist working with victims and perpetrators of crime. I specialised in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which sparked my interest in telling stories about how people cope when faced with extreme adversity.

Now, I spend most of my time writing novels and drinking coffee while *thinking* about writing novels. When I’m not writing, I love climbing and playing basketball.

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