Snap by Belinda Bauer – Book Review

Snap by Belinda Bauer – Book Review

Snap by Belinda Bauer


Author – Belinda Bauer
Publisher – Bantam Press
Pages – 352
Released – 3rd May 2018
ISBN-13 – 978-0593075531
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 4.5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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On a stifling summer’s day, eleven-year-old Jack and his two sisters sit in their broken-down car, waiting for their mother to come back and rescue them. Jack’s in charge, she’d said. I won’t be long.

But she doesn’t come back. She never comes back. And life as the children know it is changed for ever.

Three years later, Jack is still in charge – of his sisters, of supporting them all, of making sure nobody knows they’re alone in the house, and – quite suddenly – of finding out the truth about what happened to his mother. . .

New one review witch 2017

One hot summers day the Bright family, pregnant mum Eileen, son Jack, and daughters Merry and Joy are travelling in the family car when it breaks down. Eileen pulls the car onto the hard shoulder and tells the kids not to get out and to wait for her as she sets off to go and find an emergency phone box and call for help.

After sitting in the car for hours Jack makes the decision to go and look for his mum, taking his younger sisters with him. Unfortunately, when they reach the box their mother is nowhere to be seen. Luckily they are picked up and taken home by a police officer.

Over the coming weeks, the police are out searching for Eileen. The family all hope to have her home safely, but when her body is discovered this is the start of the downfall for all of them.

Snap is an amazing read. The words just flowed and the story seemed to develop at differing speeds, sometimes everything moved quickly, at others the plot seemed to slow down. After the initial disappearance and then the discovery of Eileen’s body, the book jumps three years and now fourteen-year-old Jack is looking after his little sisters, we also meet a new character, heavily pregnant Catherine While.

Jack is a very likeable character even with his flaws. You can understand why he does the things he does. It is all for his family. I actually felt sorry for him, well for all of them really, little children having to grow up without a mum, knowing that she was taken from them in such a hideous way.

The book has plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes. Ms. Bauer does like to suddenly introduce new people into the story though, such as the detectives Marvel and Reynolds. However, once you get to know them you suddenly see why they are they. The more you read the more you will come to see that all the separate plots are not just joined but intermingled.

I got through the book in no-time and I found it thrilling and oh-so-enjoyable. I do have some tiny little issues with the book, hence I awarded it 4.5 stars rather than 5. We are never told the reason behind the killing of Eileen. Yes, we find out who killed her, but we are never told why. Also, the way the book ends for the culprit had me wanting more.

The above is just my personal take on the book. Some people might not need to know why, but I felt like I did.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Belinda Bauer

Belinda Bauer grew up in England and South Africa and now lives in Wales. She worked as a journalist and a screenwriter before finally writing a book to appease her nagging mother. With her debut, Blacklands, Bauer was awarded the CWA Gold Dagger for Crime Novel of the Year. She went on to win the CWA Dagger in the Library for her body of work in 2013.

Her fourth novel Rubbernecker was voted 2014 Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year. Her books have been translated into 21 languages. She also wrote the thriller HIGH ROLLERS under the pen name JACK BOWMAN.

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22 Responses

  1. Manon says:

    Great honest review! This sounds like a great read.

  2. Jo Linsdell says:

    I NEED this book! SNAP sounds awesome.

  3. ashten says:

    Great review

  4. Jordanne says:

    Great review!

  5. Bianca says:

    Great review. I love crime novels. This one sounds great!

  6. This sounds like a novel that I would enjoy! Just added it to my to-reads!

  7. DJ Sakata says:

    Lovely review – I wants it!

  8. Tasha says:

    I am really intrigued by the book. It’s on my TBR. Great review.

  9. Nikki says:

    This one sounds like a thrilling read!

  10. It certainly is a great read. Thanks.

  11. It is awesome. You should definitely read it.

  12. It is really good. Thanks

  13. I hope you enjoy it.

  14. You should definitely read it, it is a great book. Thanks.

  15. Great, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks

  16. It certainly is.

  17. Cia Black says:

    Oh wow, this sounds like a thriller I need in my life. Amazing review.

  18. Thank you. It was a great read.

  19. Great review, I also would of like to know the reason why the killer killed the victim in the book as well, but I am glad you really enjoy this book so far. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post and for putting this book on my radar.