The Tale of Was and Das by Marin – Book Review

The Tale of Was and Das by Marin – Book Review

The Tale of Was and Das by Marin

The Tale of Was and Das

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The Tale of Was and Das tells the hilariously funny story of two friends: an orphan gypsy boy, Was, and his German shepherd, Das.v The boy and the dog live at the dumpster halfway between Fartsville and Burptown — an area where, ironically, the people come for fresh air.

The dumpster provides the boy and the dog with shelter, toys, and books. The pair fell in love with children’s books, especially picture books about dinosaurs. They decide to use materials from the dumpster to build Thesaurus, the biggest dinosaur in the world. Thesaurus becomes a tourist attraction and brings Fartsvillians and Burptownians together.

This children’s book is the only one of the 2GETHER picture book collection that is not illustrated by Marin; Peter Stan, a prolific European illustrator created the entertaining artwork for this title.

Review by Stacey

The Tale of Was and Das is a good-humoured book about an orphan gypsy boy, Was, who lives with his stray dog, Das, on a dumpsite which is located between two villages – Fartsville and Burptown. The residents of the town don’t get along and blame each other for all the mess and smells.

Was loves to read and has collected lots of books at the dump which have been thrown away. He then has a novel idea that will help get rid of the rubbish and bring the townsfolk together.

This is a cute and funny book that is set in a strange place and has strange characters, but it really works. The book has some good moral stories located within which will hopefully be picked up by the reader as well as some fabulous illustrations.

An enjoyable, quick read that was imaginative and intriguing.

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A long time ago Marin was a child. He was one year old when his father passed away. His mother remarried and Marin was raised by his loving (but strict!) grandparents. He learned to read and write long before he went to school. Books became his imaginary parents and his fictional friends.

Marin studied nuclear physics, art, and literature. He owned an advertising agency for many years.

Oh, a few more things: he does not drive, he does not drink carbonated beverages, he had never consumed food from fast-food restaurants, he does not have a mobile phone, he had never used legal or illegal drugs, and he had never visited his GP (much to the disapproval of his wife). He started his small publishing house FONTREAL (children’s picture books) in 2016. Marin lives with his family on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean – in St. John’s, NL, Canada.

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