Beatrix the Bold and the Curse of the Wobblers by Simon Mockler – Book Review

Beatrix the Bold and the Curse of the Wobblers by Simon Mockler – Book Review

Beatrix the Bold by Simon Mockler

Beatrix the Bold and the Curse of the Wobblers

Author – Simon Mockler
Publisher – Piccadilly Press
Pages – 256
Released – 4th April 2019
ISBN-13 – 978-1848127654
Format – paperback
Review by – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Ten-year-old Beatrix is very good at telling jokes, dancing and throwing knives. She also happens to be a queen of a distant land – though she doesn’t know that yet. She also happens to be the queen who is quite possibly destined to lead the Wobblers to bold victory over the Evil Army – though she doesn’t know that yet either.

Beatrix lives in an enormous golden palace with Aunt Esmerelda the Terrible and Uncle Ivan the Vicious, but as she’s only been allowed to see one new room per birthday, she’s only ever been inside ten rooms of the palace. Her aunt and uncle have always told her that if she goes beyond the woods outside the palace she’ll fall off the edge of the world. And the Dark, Dark Woods and all that lies beyond must be avoided at all costs – what if the dreaded Wobblers were to get her?

But finally, the veil Beatrix has been living under is starting to slip. Beatrix knows she needs to be bold. Beatrix knows she needs to look for answers. And she’s about to get them.

Review new 2021

Ten-year-old Beatrix is the Queen of Morden, although she doesn’t know she is the Queen. She lives in a higgledy-piggledy palace twice the size of Buckingham Palace with her Aunt, Esmerelda the Terrible and her Uncle, Ivan the Vicious who was paid a lot of gold by her parents to keep her safe.

Beatrix has never stepped foot outside the castle, though she does have plenty of rooms to choose from to spend her time, ten rooms, in fact, her Aunt gives her a new room for her birthdays. She has the Garden Room which has no roof and is filled with flowers, a waterfall, and a cave so it feels like she is outside. There is the War Room where she practices learning how to throw her knives and defeat armies. There is even a story room.

Beatrix is desperate to go outside but her Aunt warns her about the Wobblers that live outside and takes little girls, she also states that at the end of the dark, dark wood the world ends and it is just a sheer drop. One day Beatrix overhears her teacher and her Uncle having a conversation about an evil army coming to the castle to kill the Queen. Beatrix is intrigued she wants to know why and who is this Queen, she has never seen a Queen in the castle before.

Beatrix needs to be brave and bold if she is to find the answers.

Beatrix the Bold and the Curse of the Wobblers is an exciting and humorous children’s book that features one very brave young girl who doesn’t realise she is the Queen of the land. The book has plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and numerous place names and characters with names that will make kids (and adults) chuckle.

She doesn’t know what happened to her parents as no-one will tell her, she does know that there is a big secret and she is going to find out what it is and learn about her family and why she lives with her Aunt and Uncle. Along her journey, she meets Dog, the Dog, and Oi a young boy who helps her discover the truth.

This is a book that will have children glued to the pages, especially with all the references to modern-day items, comparing them to those from old times, and the bad jokes too! It is full of life and the writing and the black and white illustrations throughout makes the story come alive.

This is the first book is a planned series and with book two just released this month, I look forward to reading it and carrying on Beatrix’s adventure in Beatrix the Bold and the Riddletown Dragon.

Book Reviewer – Stacey

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About the Author

Simon Mockler Beatrix

Simon Mockler studied painting at Camberwell Art College then read Modern Languages at Cambridge University. He works for the Committee of Advertising Practice, helping advertisers and agencies with their ad copy and lives in south London with his wife and two children.



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26 Responses

  1. Susanne says:

    This sounds like such a fun read. Thank you for the review, I hope part two is going to be as good as well.

    P.S.: I too want to have my own indoor waterfall

  2. Great review!

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    This sounds like a fun and lively read for a young lady

  4. Stormi says:

    This sounds so cute!

  5. Tasha says:

    This would really appeal to one of my grandchildren. Great review.

  6. This sounds like a fun and imaginative read for kids. Great review!

  7. Oh this looks really cute! I’m definitely going to look into this book for my niece, it is right up her alley!

  8. vidya says:

    this sounds and looks fun and adorable! will check it out

  9. Robin Loves Reading says:

    So cute. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Kathy West says:

    Looks like a really cute book!

  11. Bianca says:

    This sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the review!

  12. Allie Bock says:

    This sounds like a great read!

  13. Great review Stacey, I’m really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book and this book looks and sounds absolutely amazingly fantastic and fun. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  14. It was a lovely read. An indoor garden with waterfall sound s soothing.

  15. Thank you. Glad you like it.

  16. It most certainly is.

  17. It is very cute.

  18. Wonderful I hope they get to read it.

  19. It really is, thank you.

  20. It really is cute and a great read, I think your niece would love it.

  21. It really is, I hope you do check it out as it is amazing.

  22. It really is. You are welcome.

  23. It most certainly is.

  24. It really is. You are welcome.

  25. It is an amazing read.

  26. Thank you. I’m glad you like the sound of it.