The Writing Life of: Rebecca L. Marsh

Rebecca L. Marsh

This week I am thrilled to be interviewing author Rebecca L. Marsh. Rebecca will be sharing with us details of her writing life, telling us all about her new book ‘Where Hope is Found‘, which was released on 28th September 2020, and answering a few fun questions too. This post contains affiliate links.

Rebecca L Marsh

Rebecca L. Marsh is an author of women’s fiction and a member of the Paulding County Writer’s Guild. She grew up in the mountains of Western North Carolina and now lives in Dallas, Georgia with her husband and daughter.

When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family (cats and dog included), watching movies, and reading a good book. Rebecca occasionally makes home-made candy and works on her scrapbooks (she is woefully behind).

Her novels, When the Storm Ends, The Rift Between Us, and Where Hope is Found are available on Amazon in paperback and kindle format. Signed paperbacks are also available on her website.


1) Did you enjoy writing when you were a child?

Yes, I started writing when I was twelve and continued to write through middle and high school. In my early adulthood, I stopped writing for several years. I did so for two reasons. First, because I didn’t feel I had enough life experience to write the kind of stories I wanted to write. And second, because my attention was on other life goals.

2) Which author shaped your childhood?

I can’t say that any particular author had much impact on me as a child. I know this is strange, but I wasn’t that kid with her nose in a book. I did grow to enjoy reading later, but I also enjoy stories in the form of movies and TV shows. When I decided to start writing, it was more of a compulsion than a desire. It’s hard to explain that and I don’t know any better way to put it. I simply felt like I was supposed to write.

3) What motivated you to begin your first novel?

My first novel was a story that had been in my head for many years but had always been one that I couldn’t quite straighten out. It was like scattered puzzle pieces in my head. I had all these ideas of what I wanted to do with it, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it all work. Then, just before my daughter started pre-school, the story came back into my mind in a big way and all the pieces started to fall together.

I began to use one morning a week (while my child was at pre-school) to work on it. This means it was slow going and fixing it up after was equally slow.

4) Do you plot your book, or are you a pantser?

I’m more of a pantser. I work out a sketchy road map in my head and then figure the rest out as I go.

5) What is your average writing day?

I don’t know that I have an average day. I do always write at the desk in my living room on a desktop computer (I don’t type well on a laptop). I generally write in the afternoon, but I don’t do it every day. Some days I use the time to focus on marketing or to edit.

6) What is the best thing about being an author?

The best thing for me is doing what I feel I was meant to do. I also love to hear from readers and get their thoughts and feelings about my books.

Where Hope is Found by Rebecca L. Marsh

Where Hope is Found

Author – Rebecca L. Marsh
Publisher – Purple Angel Press
Pages – 287
Release Date – 28th September 2020
ISBN 13 – 978-1949498059
Format – ebook, paperback


One tiny moment in time can shatter your whole world.

A family beach vacation turns to tragedy and Marissa must find a way for her and her traumatized eight-year-old daughter, Maisy, to move forward and heal. But memories of what she lost surround her, threatening to take her to a dark place; a place she can never go again.

When her brother extends an invitation for her and Maisy to move in with him on Princess Island, Marissa thinks it might just be the fresh start she needs. But can she really find hope and healing on an island surrounded by the same ocean that broke her heart?

Where Hope is Found is an emotional drama about love, loss, and healing.

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7) How did you go about researching the content for your book?

For this book, Where Hope is Found, the research was mostly of a medical nature and I’m lucky to have a great friend (who happens to have become a friend the same year I began writing) who is a nurse. I did also get some information from another friend from my local writer’s guild who used to be a police officer.

8) How long did it take to go from the ideas stage to writing the last word?

I’m actually not sure. While this is the third book I finished, it was the second one that I started. I went back and forth a couple times.

9) What made you choose the genre you write in?

I’ve never felt like it was a conscious choice. I write the stories that come to me and they are all emotional stories. Perhaps that’s because those are the stories that affect me the most when I read or watch them.

10) How did you come up with the name(s) for your lead character(s)?

Again, I don’t really know. Sometimes I do spend time trying to think up names to use or ask other people for ideas, but a lot of the time the names for the main characters just seem to come to me with the story.

11) Can you give us an insight into your characters?

Well, Marissa is probably the least self-assured character I’ve written so far. She isn’t naturally strong or bold. That is what makes her journey toward healing a bigger climb than it might be for someone who is more in tune with their own well of strength.

Owen is a big-hearted guy who steps up to help those in need and who chooses, for the most part, to avoid technology. He is viewed as odd by those in his community and mostly embraces that identity.

12) How did you feel when you had completed your book?

There is a sense of joy with the completion of each book, but as any writer comes to know, that is really only the beginning.

Fun Questions

Interview penguin 2021

1) Do you have a favourite quote you live by?

I honestly can’t say that I do.

2) Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a dog and two cats.

Rebecca L. Marsh Animals

3) What’s on your current reading list?

I don’t really keep a list, however, I’m currently reading Savage Run by C.J. Box and will soon read I Not Buddy by Kameo Monson, a writer friend of mine.

4) Your book has been made into a feature film, you’ve been offered a cameo role, what would you be doing?

Hum. I’d be super excited about my book being made into a movie. I’d be worried they’d change things, and it would end up not being the same story I wrote. And I’d be nervous about being seen on film personally.

5) If you could travel to the fictional world of any book for the day, which would you choose?

Interesting question. It would be fascinating to visit the world in the Wingbound series written by Heather Trim (a friend of mine who also designed my book covers). I’m not a big reader of fantasy, but I have read her books and it would be interesting to see what a floating island looks like.

If I were to choose a location in one of my own books, I’d probably choose to visit Princess Island in my most recent book since I love the beach.

6) There’s a penguin sitting in your writing chair, what is the first thing he says to you?

“Your desk needs to be cleaned up.”

I would like to say a big thank you to Rebecca L. Marsh for sharing with us details of her writing life and for a wonderful interview.

Author links

Interview 2021 twitter

Interview facebook 2021

Interview goodreads 2021

interview Website 2021

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18 Responses

  1. Tasha says:

    I found this interview with Rebecca really interesting and insightful.

  2. DJ Sakata says:

    Her writing approach of a “sketchy road map” in her head and writing on the fly sounds like how I approach each day 😉 I think I’d like her.

  3. Nadene says:

    Lovely interview. Like her I don’t have any quotes I live by.

  4. Lovely interview! I always look forward to the answer to the penguin question, though.!

  5. Always love when we get animal pics, and I really enjoyed this interview!

  6. Great interview with Rebecca L Marsh. I enjoyed it.

  7. Robin Loves Reading says:

    New name for me. Thanks for introducing her to me.

  8. Bianca says:

    Great interview as always! I need to check out this author.

  9. Sheila Brewer says:

    I read this book. It was so full of feeling and caring for family. Can hardly wait for her next book. I read the first two also.

  10. Than you Tasha, I am so happy you enjoyed our interview with Rebecca.

  11. Thank you DJ, You make me laugh. I am sure you would get on like a house on fire.

  12. Thank you Nadene. I don’t live by any quote but there are a few I like and agree with.

  13. Than you Karen. Lovely to hear that you enjoyed our interview with Rebecca and the penguin question.

  14. Thank you Kate, I know you only come here for the animal pics!!

  15. Thank you Shelleen. I am very happy that you enjoyed the interview.

  16. Thank you Robin, good to hear that I have introduced you to a new author.

  17. Thank you Bianca, I agree you need check our Rebecca’s work!

  18. Thank you Sheila, good to hear that you have read Rebecca’s book and enjoyed it so much.