Three Shires Publishing – Guest Post

Three Shires Publishing – Guest Post

Three Shires Publishing

My good friend Mary, or Georgia Rose, author, as you most likely know her has started up her own ‘self-publishing Workshop’. The workshop aims to help writers get their books published and out into the big wide world for us all to enjoy.


I am Mary Matthews and I write romantic suspense novels under the pen name Georgia Rose.

I have written and self-published three books and have now decided to provide other services in the form of self-publishing workshops and one-to-one support.

There are three stages in getting your book into the hands of a reader – writing, publishing and marketing. Of these the writing and marketing are by far the hardest and are the areas where money should be spent.

self publishing

The actual physical act of publishing your book is something you can do yourself and I have put together a workshop to give writers the practical steps needed to do this and save some money in the process.

Since publishing my own books I have had many conversations with people who have already written books which are languishing on hard drives or who are keen to write something but lack the knowledge to know what to do next. My workshops can help with this.

There are other self-publishing workshops out there but mine differ in that they are not online but face-to-face. I do realise that I’m therefore not going to be conquering the world of self-publishing with this innovation but that’s not what I’m about. I like the personal approach and being able to help people on an individual basis.

I live near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire and although I thought I’d hold these locally (I’ve chosen a very accessible venue) I’ve already been asked if I run these in London so who knows what the future will bring. This is what makes it all so exciting!

So whether you’re planning to or have written fiction or non-fiction, a biography or your memoir, I can help you take the next step.

ready to get published

The workshop will cover:

  • What you need to prepare before you publish
  • I will cover the preparation of your manuscript, editing, proofreading, cover design and formatting as well as the extras – writing the blurb, copyright, taglines and much, much more.

  • Publishing your ebook
  • I will take you step by step through the process covering details such as ASIN’s and ISBN’s, keywords and table of contents.

  • How to produce a paperback
  • Using Createspace I shall show you how once you have your manuscript written you can make your book available through Print on Demand at no extra cost.

  • The first steps in marketing
  • You may well already be social media savvy or you may not but I will give you a guide to the most commonly used platforms and how to spread the word about your books. I will cover websites and blogs, reviews and how to get them.

    Refreshments will be provided including a light lunch at the end over which there will be an opportunity for further questions and discussion.

    printing machine

    This workshop will give you a valuable insight into the self-publishing world, guidance on how to proceed as well as hints and tips along the way.

    This is the ‘How to Self-Publish Workshop’ and there will be another one coming soon on ‘How to Sell Your Book’, a guide to marketing.

    If you are interested in finding out more, please take a look at the website, sign up to the newsletter to keep up to date with news or feel free to email me.


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    4 Responses

    1. Thanks so much for helping me promote this. I’m really looking forward to the first workshop already and all help with the marketing is much appreciated 🙂

    2. Ros Rendle says:

      I’ve just chosen to self published my third book. The second was with a week-known digital imprint publisher but I’m not sure I benefitted much apart from a cover I wasn’t mad about.
      I do wish you every success with your innovation. What you propose covering sounds great and it would have been useful before I’d done it.
      I live just outside Peterbotough so not a million miles away.

    3. You’re very welcome Mary. Always a pleasure to help.

    4. Thanks Ros for you comment, Good luck with your book.