The Blameless Dead by Gary Haynes – Book Review

The Blameless Dead by Gary Haynes – Book Review

The Blamesless Dead by Gary Haynes

The Blameless Dead

Author – Gary Haynes
Publisher – Endeavour Quill
Pages – 463
Released – 18th March 2019
ISBN-13 – 978-1911445647
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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In the dying days of World War Two, Pavel Romasko and his Red Army colleagues pick their way through the carnage and detritus of a dying Berlin. Stumbling upon the smoking remains of a Nazi bunker, they find something inside that eclipses the horror of even the worst excesses in the city above them…

As the war ends, retribution begins. But some revenge cannot be taken at once. Some revenge takes years.

And so it is, as post-war Europe tries desperately to drag itself back onto its feet, and soldiers attempt a return to normality, that retribution continues to ferment in the Gulags of the Soviet Union and beneath the surface of apparently ordinary lives.

Which is how, seventy years later, FBI agent Carla Romero and New York lawyer Gabriel Hall are enlisted to investigate a series of blood-chilling crimes that seem to have their roots in the distant past — even though the suffering they cause is all too present. And for one of them, the disappearance of young women is a particularly personal matter.

Review new 2021

We begin our journey in April 1945 in the dying days of WW2 in Berlin. Pavel Romasko is trying to get his squad of Red Army men to safety but with a lone sniper to contend with and the Waffen-SS approaching he needs somewhere off the street for them to lie low for a little while. Noticing a steel door Pavel leads his men into what he had hoped was a safe building but they were not prepared for what they found inside.

New York 2015, Special Agent Carla Romero and lawyer Gabriel Hall are thrown together to investigate a series of gruesome crimes, crimes that ordinary people wouldn’t be able to comprehend and would turn your stomach. Their investigation leads them to a trail of days gone by, WW2. Events take a turn for the worse when a close family member goes missing, can this rookie FBI agent and lawyer really solve a case that has been in the planning for 70 years?

The book is an exhilarating ride moving back and forth in time between 1945 and 2015. Hard to imagine that revenge could wait 70 years, but that is the case here. Gary Haynes takes us on a journey through a time that was ravaged by war and places you firmly in the mix with his historical accuracy and descriptions so real you can smell the scent of death.

This isn’t a book for the squeamish or those that don’t like reading about war and the atrocities it brings as the author doesn’t mince his words about what happened or the scenes he brings before you. This is a book that will show you the harsh reality.

The plot is one that I can only describe as extraordinary, how someone has the mind to come up with something so clever and yet so sinister is incredible. I was hooked from the very first page and didn’t want to put it down, I wanted to follow the trail every step of the way.

If you like action-packed thrillers that are dark in nature and are not fazed by brutal scenes then The Blameless Dead is the book for you.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Gary Haynes

Gary Haynes is a bestselling thriller writer, and member of the International Thriller Writers organisation. He studied law at university and passed his post-graduate legal qualifications before becoming a commercial litigator. He is a Freedom of Speech advocate and is interested in history, philosophy and foreign policy. Gary’s previous novels include the popular Tom Dupree series: State of Honour and State of Attack.

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20 Responses

  1. Emma Mane says:

    Wow, this sounds intense. Great review.

  2. Adrian Miles says:

    What an amazing review. Book would be perfect for me.

  3. Tasha says:

    Great 5 star review! This sounds like a great read.

  4. Great review! This sounds pretty good!

  5. Pon says:

    Great review and sounds like my kind of book. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am squeamish so probably not for me. Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. DJ Sakata says:

    Lovely review, I feel drawn to it, although I fear the gruesome aspect – so – I’m conflicted

  8. Gemma says:

    Yay 5 stars. I’m glad you loved this one.
    Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook

  9. I love books that jump from past to present. Thanks for putting this one on my radar.

  10. Allie Bock says:

    I so want to read this one!

  11. It really is. Thanks

  12. Thank you. Brilliant I hope you get to read it

  13. It really is. Thanks.

  14. Thank you. It is brilliant.

  15. Yes, definitely not for the squeamish.

  16. Thank you. Its got a great story.

  17. Thanks, it’s a wonderful book.

  18. Glad you like the sound of it. You’re welcome.

  19. Brilliant I hope you do.