Childish Spirits by Rob Keeley – Book Review

Childish Spirits by Rob Keeley – Book Review

Childish Spirits tenth anniversay by rob keeley

Childish Spirits
Childish Spirits Book One

Author – Rob Keeley
Publisher – Troubador Publishing
Pages – 187
Release Date – 20th April 2014 (Anniversary edition 1st May 2024)
ISBN-13 – 978-1783064618
Formats – ebook, paperback, audio
Reviewer – Stacey
I received a free copy of this book
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synopsis of a witch

“The truth will set you free.”

When Ellie and her family move into Inchwood Manor, Ellie quickly discovers strange things are happening. Who is the mysterious boy at the window? What secrets lie within the abandoned nursery? Who is the woman who haunts Ellie’s dreams – and why has she returned to the Manor, after more than a century?

Ellie finds herself entangled in a Victorian mystery of ghosts and tunnels and secret documents – and discovers that life all those years ago isn’t so different from the world she knows today…

First published in 2014, this five star-reviewed children’s novel was longlisted for the Bath and WriteMentor Children’s Novel Awards and nominated for the People’s Book Prize. This is a tenth anniversary special edition with new material and also includes four Spirits short stories never before published in book form. A must for all fans of the Spirits series and Rob Keeley’s work.

Review of a witch

Ellie, her older brother Charlie, and her mum, have just moved to Inchwood Manor, after her mum was asked to look after the place on behalf of Jouneyback UK.

Not long after they arrive, Ellie discovers a Victorian-style nursery, complete with old fashioned toys. Whilst in the nursery she meets Edward, a young boy-ghost, who tries to scare Ellie, but fails. Ellie isn’t scared of Edward, she is intrigued by him.

Edward isn’t happy that there are new people in his home and sets out to cause mischief, like he has done to all of the previous occupants. Ellie takes the brunt of his tricks, much to the annoyance of her mother.

But When a bad spirit returns to Inchwood, determined to take Edward away, it’s up to Ellie to try to save her new friend.

Childish Spirits is a wonderful, exciting story about how friendship can be found in the most unusual circumstances. Ellie is a lovely, helpful and kind young girl, who loves to paint. She is excited about living in a Victorian house, unlike her older, brattish brother Charlie, who I really did take a disliking to.

Edward is a troubled young ghost. He’s been at Inchwood Manor for many decades, unable to leave. He doesn’t like people living in ‘his’ home, so over the years he has played lots of nasty tricks on the occupants, tricks that are now coming back to haunt him – sorry about the pun!!

I found myself engrossed in the story, which actually surprised me, seeing as it is a book for children, I would probably say, from about 10 years onward. The book has lots of thrilling moments, alongside poignant ones, and a few mildly-scary scenes (nothing sinister, just a little spooky).

The book has a natural flow to it and you can’t help but root for Ellie and Edward, and keep your fingers crossed that everything will come good in the end. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series, and see what adventures Rob Keeley has in store for them.

**Update 2024 – There is a new tenth anniversary edition of Childish Spirits now available which features a slicker story, a new cover, and four new short stories.
– The Spirit of Christmas
– The Spirit of the Season
– The Yuletide Spirit
– The Third Door.

Each new story is set before a different book in the Spirits series, with the first story being set before the first book and features Edward and his cousin Patience foiling a gunpower threat to Inchwood Manor.

These new stories give you more insight into Edwards short life and his ghostly antics. The main story has also had a bit of a clean-up and a few things changed or added. If you love the series then you really need to grab a copy of the tenth anniversary edition and read the book again and these new tales too.

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About the author of a witch


I’m a writer of novels, short stories and drama, particularly for children and a family audience. I have written three novels and three collections of short stories for the 8-12s.

I am the creator of the “Spirits” series of ghost novels and the third of these, “The Sword of the Spirit” was published in July 2016. The first in the series, “Childish Spirits”, was longlisted for the Bath Children’s Novel Award as well as being nominated for the People’s Book Prize and the International Rubery Book Award.

The second in the series, “The Spirit of London” was highly commended for the Independent Author Book Award. I also had a collection of short stories for children (“The Dinner Club and Other Stories”) longlisted for the Rubery Award.

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