Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32 by B.C.R Fegan – Book Review

Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32 by B.C.R Fegan – Book Review

Dont ever Look Behind Door 32 by BCR Fegan

Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32

Author – B.C.R Fegan
Publisher – TaleBlade
Pages – 36
Released – 14th March 2018
ISBN-13 – 978-0648101901
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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The magical Hotel of Hoo is a mysterious place with some very unusual occupants. As our guests explore the strange hotel, they are invited to experience everything it has to offer with just one warning… don’t ever look behind door 32.

This imaginative picture book aims to take children beyond the first ten cardinal numbers, and introduces them to the patterns of counting in a fun and accessible way. With rooms to explore and unique objects to count, children will enjoy lingering on each page as they make their way closer to the forbidden door.

New one review witch 2017

This fun children’s rhyming book follows two little kids as they check into a magical hotel call Hoo. On arrival, they are greeted by the owner, Mr. Nicholas Noo who puts them up in room number one, he tells them to go and explore his hotel, but they must not look behind door 32.

The children travel throughout the hotel, going from room to room, coming across lots of weird and wonderful characters, animals, and creatures that are residing behind each door, until they reach door 32. Will they dare to sneak a peek?

Upon opening this book, the first thing that I noticed was how beautiful the full page illustrations are. They are bright, colourful, eye catching and have a slight Gothic look to them.

Each time the children visit a different room they meet characters that will help stretch their imaginations, they also get reminded not to look behind door 32, creating an air of suspense and mystery as to what could be behind the door. I can see this being a great talking point as the child reading the book, or a class, could try guessing what is going to be behind the door.

I just loved Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32. There is so much for children to explore between the pages. Together with the divine illustrations, this is a stunning book that is definitely worth a read.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

BCR Fegan

BCR Fegan is an Australian author who has written a number of fairy tales and fantasies for children and young adults.

Raised on a small hobby farm only minutes from some of Australia’s greatest beaches, Fegan grew up inspired by the power of natures ambience. From the intensity of the frequent summer storms, to the overwhelming serenity of a lonely beach in the early hours of the morning. His ravenous appetite for both reading and writing soon saw him drawing on the transformational influence of the world around him to craft short stories, poems and picture books.

Dont Ever Look Behind Door 32

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11 Responses

  1. Nikki says:

    I will be on the look out for this when I need to get a gift for my niece. Thanks!

  2. Randi @ Kiss Like a Girl says:

    Sounds like a book my niece would love.

  3. Latoya says:

    This looks like such a cute read. I like to read children’s books and will have to add this to my list.

  4. Jo Linsdell says:

    This sounds great! My kids would love it.

  5. DJ Sakata says:

    looks colorful and fun

  6. Terri A. Wilson says:

    This looks like a sweet fun children’s book. I like the illustration style.

  7. This looks and sounds adorable!

  8. Great review, this book looks and sounds like a really cute and adorable book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  9. Allie Bock says:

    Enjoyed your review!

  10. This looks so fun! I love the cover and the story sounds really enjoyable. Great review!

  11. Tasha says:

    This book sounds ideal for my young grandsons.