Practising For Christmas by Rachael Richey – Book Review

Practising For Christmas by Rachael Richey – Book Review

Practising for Christmas by Rachael Richey

Practising For Christmas

Author – Rachael Richey
Publisher – The Wild Rose Press
Pages – 187
Released – 12th November 2018
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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A remote coastal cottage; a group of old friends; the Christmas holidays. It’s just the break Olivia needs to help her relax and forget her worries. What could be more perfect? But that was before she found a handsome unconscious stranger on the beach. Add in a case of mistaken identity, a lot of kissing practice, and an inquisitive best friend, and things begin to get more than a little complicated.

The large bump on Adam’s head hurts, but he refuses to go to the hospital—or back home—and eventually accepts Olivia’s offer of hospitality. When her friends arrive the following morning, a chance remark catapults them both into a bizarre and amusing situation that promises to make it a Christmas to remember.

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Olivia, her old university friends, and their partners are spending Christmas together in a remote cottage belonging to Olivia’s Aunt. Arriving a couple of days before the others and alone after she catches her now ex-boyfriend Chris, in a compromising situation, Olivia sets off for a walk on the local beach. It’s not long before she comes across a young man who looks dead. She soon realises that he is alive, though unconscious and tries to wake him up.

Adam, the man on the beach, had slipped on the rocks and banged his head. He is grateful for Olivia’s help and even more so when she takes him back to her cottage for him to warm up and rest. Refusing to go to the hospital, Olivia offers him the settee for the night to help him recuperate. Although she’s not quite convinced that he’s not a serial killer!

The next day before Adam gets the chance to leave, one of Olivia’s friends turns up and is shocked to find Adam there, mistaking him for Chris. She tells Adam/Chris that she didn’t believe that Olivia had a fella and thought she was making him up and then was going to pretend they had split. Adam is incensed at her words so pretends to be Chris. Trouble is he now has to stay for Christmas and the two have to put on a very good act. Will anyone realise that the two are not really a couple?

Practising For Christmas is an entertaining and captivating book that I didn’t want to put down once I had started. The characters were perfectly realistic and varied. From Olivia who is very sweet and caring, a proper mother hen, to Adam, Sexy and suave and then there is Sarah, I’m so glad that I don’t have a friend like her. Queen of putting people down, making people feel horrible about themselves, phone addict and self-centred. God, she was annoying.

The main part of the book focused on Olivia and Adam trying to make sure that they were being authentic. I have to say this did irritate me a little, there was too much ‘practicing’ and it wasn’t the fact they were doing it, it was the fact that the word was used over and over, it became a little too repetitive and I did find myself rolling my eyes every time it came up.

The book really came alive for me once Christmas was over and the storyline moved away from the cottage, especially the last section as this was something different and unique to this kind of story.

Overall an enjoyable Christmas book that I didn’t want to end. Yes, it is predictable in parts, but this really doesn’t take anything away from it being a fantastic read. I would love to meet up with Olivia and Adam again and see where the future takes them.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

rachael richey Practising for Christmas

Rachael Richey lives in Cornwall with her husband and children. She writes Women’s Fiction, and Storm Rising is the first book in the NightHawk Series. She has been writing since she was a child, starting with stories about her teddy bears and dolls.

She lived in the Hebrides for nearly fourteen years, having originally gone there to work for the summer season. She met and married her husband David whilst there, and had two children, before moving to Cornwall at the end of 2000.

There are currently four titles in the NightHawk Series; Storm Rising, published in February 2015; Rhythm of Deceit, July 2015, Cobwebs in the Dark, February 2016, and The Girl in the Painting, July 2016.

Breaking All The Rules, a standalone romantic comedy, was released on 5th May, 2017, and Practising for Christmas, a seasonal romcom is due for publication on 12th November, 2018.

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24 Responses

  1. Luccia Gray says:

    Sounds lovely! I do love a Christmas story!

  2. Tasha says:

    This sounds lovely. I don’t mind predictable always. Sometimes it just works.

  3. Jennifer says:

    It could be good. I don’t know I might look into this.

  4. Love, Sawyer says:

    This sounds like a super sweet story. I want it!

  5. Marcia says:

    I do need a Christmas story and with less than 200 pages, it will make a nice read for the holidays!

  6. DJ Sakata says:

    Yay – glad to see I’m not the only one jumping in early on these holiday delights

  7. Lexi says:

    “Authentic” would bug me too!

  8. Finitha Jose says:

    Wonderful! Just the one I need for Christmas

  9. Eline says:

    Sounds like a fun read, I hadn’t heard of the author before.

  10. Great review! Sounds like a great Christmas read!

  11. Heidi says:

    Sounds like a good one. The cover is adorable!

  12. Great, I hope you enjoy it.

  13. It did work really well and it is a fantastic book.

  14. Rachael Richey’s books are great, I’ve read and reviewed all of them.

  15. It was a lovely book, definitely worth a read.

  16. Thank you. It really is.

  17. Wonderful, I hope you get to read it.

  18. It makes a lovely holiday read. I really think you would enjoy it.

  19. I’ve read load of holiday books and got more booked in too.

  20. It was just the amount of times ‘lets practice’ was said.

  21. It really is great. Agree about the cover.

  22. Thank you. Christmas books always make me feel warm and fuzzy.

  23. Allie Bock says:

    I want to read this one!

  24. Wonderful, I’m sure you will enjoy it.