Safe with Me by Grace Lowrie – Book Review

Safe with Me by Grace Lowrie – Book Review

Safe with Me by Grace Lowrie

Safe with Me
The Wildham Series

Author – Grace Lowrie
Publisher – Accent Press
Pages – 356
Release Date – 22nd June 2017
ISBN 13 – 978-1786155368
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Jodie
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New Synopsis Safe with Me

An emotional and evocative story about the deepest bonds of friendship.

Abandoned as children, Kat and Jamie were inseparable growing up in foster care. But their bond couldn’t protect them forever.

From a troubled upbringing to working in a London greasy spoon, Kat’s life has never been easy. On the surface Jamie’s living the high-life, but appearances can be deceiving.

When they unexpectedly reunite, the bond they share becomes too intense to ignore. But as secrets come back to haunt them, are they destined to be separated once more?

New Review

Two children growing up in foster care form a special bond. Some years later, Jamie gets adopted into a loving family. Kat gets left behind in the care home, much to each others’ horror.

They grow up leading separate lives but never forgetting one another. Kat becomes Rina, who has a troubled childhood which we learn more about as the story progresses. To escape her life on the streets, she marries a brute of a man who is violent and disrespectful to her. Kat spends her days and nights slogging away in her husband’s greasy spoon. Meanwhile he goes about his criminal activities. Jamie becomes James. He does well for himself, despite the heartbreak of his mum passing away at an early age.

We know that when Jamie and Kat meet years later they have a shared history. We have to wait and watch the revelation unfold for them. The revelation itself was clever and unexpected. It’s lovely watching Kat and Jamie realise they have come into each others lives again. As they discover more about about each other, there are complications aplenty. Some of which could destroy them. There’s Vic, Kat’s husband. Jasmine, Jamie’s’ snobby and self-important actress girlfriend. Vic and Jasmine cause pain and heartache for our protagonists. We have to watch it all unravel whilst rooting for them.

The strong bond that Kat and Jamie shared as children is unbreakable. Kat looked after Jamie growing up. As an adult, Kat is a shadow of her former self. Despite being with her husband, when those she loves get hurt, her protective streak comes out. Each of the characters grows in strength as they find each other again. They bring out the best in each other and that can only be a good thing.

There were plenty of twists in the book, each one making my eyes widen. One of them even had my hand reaching for my open mouth, followed by my cry of ’Noooooo!’ (Yes – it was THAT good.) A devastating revelation threatens to ruin Kat and Jamie’s lives forever. They must seek out the truth if their special bond is to survive.

I’m not a fan of books where the viewpoint keeps changing. It does work well here though. The chapters alternate between Jamie and Kat. It’s clear from the start and throughout each chapter who the narrator is. It gives us more of an insight into the characters and how they feel.

The only thing I have a slight niggle with is the Vic situation. I won’t say more as I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but a better resolution is needed. It is dealt with too quick.

The writing is superb and the suspense keeps you gripped. The author submerges you so deep into these characters’ lives so that when they hurt, you hurt. When they cry, you cry. When they cheer, you cheer. Safe with Me is a wonderful engaging story. I had no idea how this story would progress and end, which is a sign of a well executed piece of writing.

Book reviewed by Jodie

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New About the Author

Grace-Lowrie Safe with Me

Grace Lowrie has worked as a sculptor, prop maker and garden designer. She published her debut romance Kindred Hearts in 2015.

A lover of rock music, art nouveau design, blue cheese and grumpy ginger tomcats, Grace is also an avid reader of fiction – preferring coffee and a sinister undercurrent, over tea and chick lit. When not making prop costumes or hanging out with her favourite nephews, she continues to write stories from her Hertfordshire home.

Why not have a read of Grace’s guest post – ‘Making Dandelion Wishes

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