I Am Sleepless: Sim 299 by Johan Twiss – Book Review

I Am Sleepless: Sim 299 by Johan Twiss – Book Review

I am Sleepless Sim 299

I Am Sleepless: Sim 299

Author – Johan Twiss
Publisher – Twiss Publishing
Pages – 292
Release Date – 27th October 2015
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Teresa
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synopsis of a witch I Am Sleepless

The planet Ethos is at war with a mysterious enemy known as the Splicers. Their only successful defense is the Prime Initiative. All newborns with the compatible genetic code are taken from their families and injected with the Prime Stimulus. Each child that survives the stimulus develops an extraordinary ability and is conscripted into the military for training.

After turning twelve, Aidan is moved to the upper-class at the Mount Fegorio training complex. His special gifts allow him unprecedented success in the virtual training simulations, advancing him further than any prime cadet in history. No one knows what lies after sim 299, not even Director Tuskin, the ruthless and reclusive ruler of their planet. But something, or someone, has been guiding Aidan there. If he can pass the final tests, he may discover the key to ending the Splicer War.

Review of a witch

Planet Ethos is at war with a rather mysterious enemy, the Splicers. As to secure and preserve the continuation of the species, all newborns with a particular genetic code are removed from their families and injected with the Prime Stimulus. Known as the Prime Initiative, its goal is to raise beings capable of great, astonishing, things.

Aidan is one of those children. Aidan is special. At the young age of twelve, Aidan carries the fate of the world on his shoulders.

It’s incredible how appropriate the title of this book is. From the minute you start reading ‘I am Sleepless’ by Johan Twiss, it’s like a switch is turned – on or off, you can’t quite tell, perhaps something in-between. It’s almost as if you’re transported into a different reality, and suddenly you find yourself in a state of hyper-awareness that quickly becomes addictive, making it impossible to put down.

I must confess that at the beginning I felt like I had been dropped in the epicentre of a storm – now that I have finished it, I am certain that I was, and glad too. ‘I am Sleepless’ is an event, an event that grows into epic proportions without ever losing its sense, its purpose, its morals. I am in awe of Johan Twiss’s talent, of his skill, of how he managed to coherently link every single detail.

Speaking of talent, not only is the narrative engaging, mixing adventure with action and even romance, it’s also beyond pertinent, relevant even, creating a safe haven and opening doors to the discussion of matters that the world rather enjoys not acknowledging. Written in a simple yet visually rich tone, the novel is accessible to the young minds that will eventually lead the future.

“Pain is a teacher. Love is life.”

I always fear when powers are involved as they sometimes lead the characters to get lost in them, to become only them. ‘I am Sleepless’ surprised me, amazed me, by actively encouraging inclusion. There are still problems, of course, realistic bullying as some develop faster, grow quicker, but the essence is incredibly hopeful. On that note, I must say that, even if sad, the idea of having these powers come with defects is beautiful in its genesis – and all that colour, elemental almost, within reach. There’s so much humanity in this book, so much hope, and so much cleverly written humour!

Honestly, I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. I cannot wait for the next one to be out. Oh, and have I mentioned the little blurbs that introduce every chapter? A stroke of genius, I would say.

If you liked ‘Ready Player One’ by Ernest Cline and Veronica Roth’s ‘The Divergent Series’, you should give ‘I am Sleepless’ a go.

Book Reviewed by Teresa

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About the author of a witch

johan twiss

My name is Johan Twiss. It’s a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your interest in my books. Besides being an author, I’m also a husband, a father, a church volunteer, and a business owner. As such, I am sleepless (along with much of the human race.)

I am passionate about writing clean science fiction and fantasy stories that are not only exciting, but suitable for tweens, teens and adults alike.

Currently, I live outside Dallas, Texas with my sweetheart and our 5 crazy kids. We enjoy playing games, watching movies, having jam sessions, and taking long roadtrips to explore new places.

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