Welcome to Danvers by Penne Mayer – Book Review

Welcome to Danvers by Penne Mayer – Book Review

Welcome to Danvers by Penne Mayer

Welcome to Danvers

Author – Penne Mayer
Pages – 367
Released – 18th October 2018
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Nia
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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Welcome to Danvers, Massachusetts . . . the true location of the Salem witch trials, a small town still haunted by the specter of forbidden magic.

Allison Lockhart arrives at the start of her senior year to a new home that is nothing like the beloved seaside town she left behind. The only thing she has in common with the other girls is her helpless crush on Andrew Whitfield, the charming athlete with a gorgeous girlfriend. When a mysterious death casts a cloud of suspicion over Andrew, Allison sets out to prove his innocence—and win his heart.

She is convinced one person knows more than he admits—Dylan Black, a brilliant but troubled outcast. Slowly, he draws her into the dark world of the occult, forcing her to confront her own demons. Will she uncover the truth, or become a pawn in a twisted scheme to destroy the boy she loves?

Welcome to Danvers is the first installment in a modern Gothic series that will take you on a journey through this infamous town’s wicked past.

New one review witch 2017

I loved this book! I think this might be my all time favourite YA novel, it has the perfect blend of intrigue, high school drama and the supernatural.

Allison returns to her birthplace with her adoptive parents, following the death of her biological grandmother. She inherits a house in the town of Danvers and moves there to finish her senior year of high school – this involves making new friends, enemies and learning about the history of the Salem witch trials.

This is the first book in a trilogy and focuses more on Allison’s introduction to the strange and Gothic town of Danvers than on her past, we have some nice clues about her parents and grandmother but nothing that the author is ready to reveal just yet. I really enjoyed the pacing for this reason and didn’t feel that too much information was being hurled at me too quickly.

The school drama is delicious; mean girls, jocks, goths, underage drinking and a makeover. Sometimes you just need these things in a novel!

When one of the girls in Allison’s class dies under suspicious circumstances, Allison is right in the thick of things – she does some classic sleuthing while getting herself in all sorts of tight scrapes and finds that the occult might be involved in the tragedy. This is a classic murder mystery, but the nature of the supernatural elements in this book are never fully laid out so you have to figure it out as you go.

Welcome to Danvers is an incredibly atmospheric book and a joy to read, I cannot wait for the rest of the series to be released!

Reviewed by Nia

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About the Author

Penne Mayer is an author of young adult fiction. Her work is inspired by themes found in classic Gothic novels as well as stories that bring her back to those nostalgic teenage years when everything mattered. To Penne, a good book is one that incites the powerful emotions we experience so infrequently in real life, the kind that comes from moments we sometimes cherish, sometimes hate, but never forget.

Penne does her best plotting while hiking through the redwoods on a warm day. She has spent most of her life in northern California but has an on-going love affair with New England. She has never met a lobster she didn’t want to eat.

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Welcome to Danvers

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22 Responses

  1. Tasha says:

    Fantastic review. I definitely want to read this.

  2. Bianca says:

    I’m definitely adding this one to my TBR!

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    I don’t YA but this one sounds fun

  4. Jo Linsdell says:

    Wow all time favourite YA… Sounds like one to add to my tbr.

  5. Christina says:

    Ooooh! I love finding a new series – excellent review!

  6. Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

  7. Ya books can be young but some are amazing too.

  8. Robin Taylor says:

    Sounds really good. I haven’t checked out YA yet.

  9. Heidi says:

    This looks like a good one. Great review!

  10. This one looks intriguing! I love reading YA so I have to add it to my tbr 🙂

  11. You really should, some are amazing.

  12. Thank you. It is.

  13. Yay, great. Hope you enjoy it.

  14. Emma Mane says:

    Fabulous review. I need this book

  15. Great review! I love the cover!

  16. jennifer gaarder says:

    I typically do not like YA, I have a problem with development in those stories. I will try and see if this one works.

  17. Brilliant, glad you enjoyed it.

  18. Thank you. Me too.

  19. Great, it was a wonderful book.