Chasing What’s Already Gone by Michael Ross – Book Review

Chasing What’s Already Gone by Michael Ross – Book Review

chasing whats already gone book

Chasing What’s Already Gone
Second Chances Book One

Author – Michael Ross
Publisher – Limitless Publishing LLC
Pages – 305
Release Date – 26th July 2016
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Kerstin
I received a free copy of this book
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New Synopsis Chasing Whats Already Gone

Danny Pearson is cruising through life on the edge of contentment—even in his marriage…

His wife seems distant, yet perfectly happy. They work on different schedules and pass like ships in the night. But that’s how marriage is after so many years, right?

When Danny meets a mysterious girl, his idea of the meaning of love shatters at his feet…

She’s not extraordinary, but somehow she’s so much more than just another girl. When he catches her gaze, he knows deep in his gut that she’s the one—the love of his life. But being a decent guy, he holds his feelings in check, and there is no ulterior motive when he shares a coffee with her. As she leaves, she gives him a business card. That’s all there is to it.

Her name is Ella. And after that, she is nothing more than a fond memory.

Danny puts Ella out of his mind and moves on with his life—until his world falls apart…When his wife confesses to having an affair and demands a divorce, his life is thrown into chaos. It’s a challenge adjusting to the single life, but it’s not impossible. As time passes, he continues to reminisce of his brief encounter with the woman he’s sure was his chance at true happiness.

How far is Danny willing to go in the pursuit of love? How far would you when, in all probability, you are only…

Chasing what’s already gone?

New Review

OMG, I loved reading this book!!!

Sorry for the outburst but I couldn’t hold back my opinion.

Michael Ross has written a story about Danny Pearson who has somehow lost himself in his marriage with his first girl-friend. After his divorce he chases the girl he only met once on the street and felt “she’s The One”. He doesn’t give up and with the help of his friend Rob he finds not only the girl but his old self again.

It is a pleasure to stay by Danny’s side and experience a feeling of honest happiness while watching him flourish.

“Chasing what’s already gone” is not only a Love Story, because that’s what it definitely is, it is a story every one of us knows in one way or the other; a story about the search for “The Real Me”. The reader is reminded of what really counts in life: love, family and friends.

Michael Ross has a talent of writing in a straight and funny way and lets Danny open up to us in his own sense of black humour. I wanted to know how Danny is doing all the time because you have to take him into your heart.

I can wholeheartedly recommend reading Chasing What’s Already Gone. It is a reminder of never losing your true self but also not taking yourself too serious. It is an inspiration and most of all it shows us that we can deal with the hiccups life throws at us much easier with a sound sense of (wicked) humour.

Book Reviewed by Kerstin

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New About the Author

It was a strange and twisting road that led to the publishing of my second novel.

Born and raised in Bristol, England. I spent my adult life in business, the majority of that time marketing cars. I eventually owned the largest Saab specialist in the world, before a divorce put an end to that part of my life.

This led me to leave Bristol to live halfway up a mountain in the Welsh valleys, start a part time six year English Literature course at Bristol University, and attend creative writing classes in Cardiff.

My interest in English literature flourished and I have won several prizes for my short stories. My first book, ‘Twenty Short Stories – Settling a score,” reached No 6 in the Short Stories Best Sellers and is still available. My second novel, a romantic thriller entitled Hand Over Fist was released earlier this year.

Chasing What’s Already Gone evolved from a short story Carpe Diem in my second anthology Twenty One Short Stories. I could not get the two main characters out of my head and I had to find out what happened to them after the end of the short story.

I now live very happily halfway up that mountain in the Welsh Valleys with my wonderful partner, Mari, and our rescue dog, Wolfie.

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2 Responses

  1. whisperingstories says:

    Thanks Michael for getting letting me know about the dialogue. Like I said it felt like it was 50%, so I will write a note showing the actual amount in my review. To me someone who pursues someone, trying to find out about them, and locate them, even when they don’t know them does seem a bit stalkerish. I suppose ‘disturbing’ was a bit of a harsh word to use, so I will tone it down slightly. The book was fun to read and interesting and I can’t say I look back and wish I hadn’t read it, as I did enjoy it. Thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts, and I certainly didn’t mean to upset you. Stacey

  2. Michael Ross says:

    Hi Stacey
    Thank you for taking the time to review the book – it is appreciated. I had to go through the manuscript to work out the dialogue percentage which turned out to be an impossible task – but certainly less than 20%. But the comment I cannot get my head around was “It also felt like he was a man obsessed, stalkerish” and your following conclusion “it was only afterwards, reflecting back, that it came to light how disturbing it seemed.”
    A stalker is the last thing in the world that I would call Danny – in fact he has to be prodded all the time to follow up on his gut feeling for this girl. And “disturbing” – I just do not get that at all. I’ve known “Danny” for the last 18 months and he’s a real decent straightforward guy. Oh well. Thanks once again. Michael