Under the Cherry Tree by Lilac Mills – Book Review

Under the Cherry Tree by Lilac Mills – Book Review

Under the Cherry Tree by Lilac Mills

Under the Cherry Tree

Author – Lilac Mills
Pages – 281
Release Date – 31st May 2017
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Selina
I received a free copy of this book
Post contains affiliate links.


“My dog didn’t like men. Actually that was a lie – she didn’t like the men I chose. The only ones who rocked her world had been my father (who was no longer with us), Ross (who was gay), and the butcher on the high street (for obvious reasons).”

When Jenni Meadows has the opportunity to expand her dog-grooming business she takes it, and when a nice man appears on her horizon but fails to make any sparks fly, she decides she has enough on her plate with her business without adding a boyfriend into the mix.

Besides, Millie doesn’t like him and when her dog doesn’t like a man, Jenni knows all about it. So why does Millie take a very strange liking to the new vet, especially since he has a taciturn expression, wears a wedding ring, and wields a needle?

Under the Cherry Tree is a tale of love and hope, waggy tails, and cold noses.


Lilac Mills has fast become one of my favourite Authors. This is the second book I have read of hers and let me tell you it was just as good as the first. If her book covers don’t draw you in instantly, nothing will, they are so bright and beautiful.

In Under the Cherry Tree, we meet Jenni Meadows. Jenni has a beloved Westie dog called Millie. She owns a grooming business called Telling Tales and deals in dog behaviour problems.

After her dad died suddenly in a car accident she received compensation money but refused to touch. After some encouragement from her family and friends she decides to follow her dreams and buy Cherry Tree Farm to expand her dog business.

Enter Mark, Neil and Scott. Millie usually doesn’t like men apart from gay best friend Ross, but she seems to take a liking to Scott, making Jenni wonders if she should in fact listen to her dog more often.

We are treated to some vivid descriptions of Cherry Tree Farm and its surroundings, as well as some romance, twists and turns, surprises, laughter and a great supporting cast.

You will not want to put this book down. In general, I am not always keen when an animal is dominating the story. Lilac Mills has put this story together with a lot of thought and interest. I loved how Cecelia, a previous owner, was incorporated into the story in such a heart-warming way.

I rarely cry at books but when a certain thing happens near to the end, I was welling up and just wanted to be there with Jenni and Scott to provide some comfort. Although I called the reveal of Cherry Tree’s latest owner it did add to the essence of the story.

I loved, loved, loved this. I am looking forward to Lilac Mill’s next book ‘And a Sixpence for Luck’.

Reviewed by Selina

Pink five stars

About the Author

Lilac Mills Photo Editor https://www.tuxpi.com

Lilac spends all her time writing, or reading, or thinking about writing or reading, often to the detriment of her day job, her family, and the housework. She apologises to her employer and her loved ones, but the house will simply have to deal with it!

She calls Worcester home, though she would prefer to call somewhere hot and sunny home, somewhere with a beach and cocktails and endless opportunities for snoozing in the sun…

When she isn’t hunched over a computer or dreaming about foreign shores, she enjoys creating strange, inedible dishes in the kitchen, accusing her daughter of stealing (she meant to say “borrowing”) her clothes, and fighting with her husband over whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher.

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