Love Punked by Nia Lucas – Book Review

Love Punked by Nia Lucas – Book Review

Love Punked by Nia Lucas

Love Punked

Author – Nia Lucas
Pages – 438
Released – 5th August 2018
ISBN-13 – 978-1717868091
Format – ebook, paperback
Review by – Marcia
Rating – 3.5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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When her life is irrevocably altered by a post-Rave tryst on her mother’s floral patio recliner, Erin Roberts’ long-standing relationship with Humiliation takes her down a path that’s not so much ‘less well trodden’, more ‘perilous descent down sheer cliffs’.

Armed with a fierce devotion to her best friend and the unrequited love for the boy she might have accidentally married at age seven, when Erin falls pregnant at sixteen, life veers off at a most unexpected tangent. Her journey to adulthood is far from ordinary as Erin learns that protecting the hearts of those most precious to you isn’t balm enough when your Love Punked heart is as sore as your freshly tattooed arse.

Whilst raising football prodigies and trying not to get stuck in lifts with Social Work clients who hate her, Erin discovers that sometimes you have to circumnavigate the globe to find the very thing that was there all along.

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Our protagonist, sixteen-year-old Erin Robert’s life is about to be changed forever when after a quick fumble in her parent’s garage one night she finds herself pregnant with twins. Love Punked tells the story of how her whole future changes at that moment and how she meets the challenge of being the mother of twins at such an early age.

Erin is helped along the way by her strong family support and some good friends, friends everyone should have as they are so likeable and supportive.

I Loved Erin and I liked the way she slowly developed into adulthood. Ms. Lucas didn’t show the readers how fabulous or how bad it would be to have twins at sixteen, she also didn’t write Erin as suddenly growing up and being all responsible. There was a good balance, which made the story feel very realistic.

There is a lot of emotion in this book, everything you would expect a young girl growing up to go through, love, friendship, loss, and heartbreak to name but a few. It sometimes felt like a bit of a roller coaster but it showed the true side of being a teenager, growing up, being a mum, etc.

I particularly liked the humour in the book, as I found myself giggling along quite a few times, however, I personally didn’t like the sex scenes, but then I am a bit older than the targeted market, so older YA readers might not have an issue. I also feel that the book was also a little too long.

The ending was predictable, but it did not spoil anything for me or take anything away from the plot and was satisfying. If you grew up in the 90s, this book will have you reminiscing about the era too, whilst younger readers will get a sense of what the 90s were truly like.

For older YA readers I would fully recommend this book as it has an amazing cast of characters and a realistic plot.

Book Reviewer – Marcia

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About the Author

I am a UK based author of contemporary fiction who is passionate about telling the stories of strong, sympathetic, entertaining and engaging characters and the lives that they lead. My Welsh heritage and my life as a practising Social Worker with teenagers and their families heavily influences my work as does my love of all things 90’s and a misspent youth immersed in clubbing culture.

My books like to dip their toes in multiple genres – Contemporary Fiction, New Adult, ChickLit, Romantic fiction and even Suspense. I like to keep my options open and my readers hooked. My first novel, ‘Love Punked’ is now available on Amazon, rated 5*.

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15 Responses

  1. Jo Linsdell says:

    Sounds like an interesting read. Great review.

  2. I don’t think I’ve seen less than a 4 star review on your blog in a while! I am intrigued, as I was a teenager in the 90s and always appreciate a walk down memory lane.

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    I rarely YA – YA books always make me feel soooo old!

  4. Sounds like it would be a nice coming of age story. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ruby @ Ruby's Books says:

    Oooh I’m intrigued. I was in elementary school in the 90s, so I had a different experience with that decade, so I’m curious about how it would have been to be a teen in those years. Great review!

  6. vidya says:

    while i do read and enjoy YA, not sure if this one is for me.. thank you for your review

  7. It really is. Thanks

  8. I was a teenager in the 90s too, well from mid 90s.

  9. I read them quite often. As long as they are not too young.

  10. It is. You are welcome.

  11. I became a teen in 1991 (I’ve just worked it out thought it was later – scary). It was a great time. I look back fondly on the 90s

  12. You are very welcome. It’s not a book for everyone.

  13. Bianca says:

    I don’t normally like these kinds of books but this looks cute.

  14. Kathy West says:

    Such a great cover!

  15. Robin Loves Reading says:

    I can’t do YA. Much too old, lol.