The Black Coats by Colleen Oakes – Book Review

The Black Coats by Colleen Oakes – Book Review

The Black Coats by Colleen Oakes

The Black Coats

Author – Colleen Oakes
Publisher – HarperCollins
Pages – 400
Released – 21st March 2019
ISBN-13 – 978-0062679628
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Review by – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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The enigmatic Black Coats have been exacting vengeance on men who have hurt girls and women for years. The killer of Thea’s cousin went free, and Thea has just received an invitation to join the Black Coats’ balancings—acts of revenge meant to teach a lesson. Justice for Natalie has never felt so close.

But as the balancings escalate in brutality, Thea’s clear-cut mission begins to unravel and she must decide just how far she is willing to go for justice.

Because when the line between justice and revenge is paper thin, it’s hard not to get cut.

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One afternoon whilst in pottery class Thea Soloman notices a black envelope address to her. Inside is instructions that lead her to another envelope and then another and eventually to a house called Mademoiselle Corday in the middle of the woods. Upon entering there are more messages and a big bloke to get past if she wants to learn why she has been invited.

The place is the home of The Black Coats, a secret organisation that passes out balancings (judgements) on men who have gotten away with crimes. There are two different types of balancings, non-violent and violent, but they must never kill.

The Black Coats is an all-women team and they recruit girls to join who have had a trauma in the past and who want retribution. But everything within the organisation might not be as cool as it first seems, secrets from within can’t stay hidden forever and it is up to Thea how she handles the information and the consequences that might follow.

I really enjoyed The Black Coats. The writing flowed so easily and the plot was certainly enjoyable. There was lots of excitement within the pages as well as some amazing characters, especially the girls in Thea’s team called Team Banner; Louise, Bea, Casey, and Mirabelle who all had their unique personalities and personal traumas.

Thea is the leader of Team Banner and she is stronger than she will ever realise. Her cousin Natalie was murdered less than a year ago and her grief had her not wanting to be part of society or take part in the sports she use to enjoy but with every day working with the girl’s and training, Thea got stronger and more confident and the grief hurt a little less.

The book was told in the third person and split into two sections. The first section focuses on the girls training and becoming fully-fledged Black Coats as well as Thea’s relationship with Drew Porter from her high school. The second part is where most of the action and a big reveal is set. It is also where I made the connection between the cover and the story.

The Black Coats is a truly fabulous book that deals with a lot of issues facing teenagers today as well as the wider picture of whether vigilante behaviour is acceptable and is an eye for an eye really how the world should work?

I read the book in just a couple of sittings. It is a book I looked forward to reading again the second I put it down and one I couldn’t wait to finish and yet didn’t want it to end.

Book Reviewer – Stacey

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About the Author

Colleen Oakes The Black Coats

Colleen Oakes is the bestselling author of books for both teens and adults, including The Black Coats, Queen of Hearts Series, and The Wendy Darling Saga. She lives in North Denver with her husband and son. When not writing or plotting new books, Colleen can be found swimming, traveling or immersing herself in nerdy pop culture.

She currently at work on her third YA fairytale series, a YA thriller and a fantasy collaboration.

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14 Responses

  1. Nadene says:

    It is the first time I am hearing of this book. It sounds interesting and intense.

  2. Stormi says:

    I’m intrigued by this one. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jo Linsdell says:

    This sounds like a great read. Adding to my TBR

  4. Amazing review Stacey, I’ve been dying to read a book by Colleen Oakes for a long time now because I heard fantastic raving reviews about her books. This book looks and sounds absolutely fantastic and right up my alley as well. I am really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  5. DJ Sakata says:

    I am loving the sound of this group – I like kickass chicks!

  6. Kathy West says:

    I love when a book sucks me in and I read it in just a few sittings!

  7. Heidi says:

    It sounds like a good read! Great review and interesting cover too!

  8. Glad I have introduced you to a new book. It is very intense at times.

  9. Glad It has intrigued you. You are welcome.

  10. It really is. I hope you enjoy it too.

  11. Thank you. I hope you get to read it then and enjoy it as it is so good.

  12. I love them too, this is why the book was right up my alley.

  13. Me too. I’m glad this one did.

  14. It really is. Thank you.