Round and Round by Terry Tyler – Book Review

Round and Round by Terry Tyler – Book Review

Round and Round by Terry Tyler

Round and Round
Author – Terry Tyler
Pages – 136
Release Date – 22nd July 2014
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Stacey
I received a free copy of this book
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synopsis of a witch Round and Round

Four Valentine cards – from four different men!

Sophie Heron’s fortieth birthday is looming, and she is fed up with her job, her relationship, her whole life – not to mention her boyfriend’s new ‘hobby’, in which she definitely doesn’t want to get involved…

Back in 1998 she had the choice of four men, and now she can’t help wondering how her life might have turned out if she’d chosen differently.

The person to whom Sophie had always been closest was her beloved Auntie Flick, her second mother, friend and advisor. Before her death in 2001, Flick said, “when I’m up there having a cuppa with St Peter, I’ll have a word with him about making me your guardian angel, shall I?

As Sophie’s fortieth birthday draws near, she visits her aunt’s special place: a tree by a river, hidden from the world. Here she calls on Auntie Flick to show her the way forward – and help her look back into the past so she can see what might have been…

Review of a witch

Sophie Heron’s fortieth birthday is fast approaching. Looking back at the past forty years, Sophie is haunted by whether she made the right decision back in 1998, the year of the four valentine cards.

With her marriage going nowhere, but feeling to scared to leave she starts to wonder, ‘What If?’. ‘What if’ she had chosen one of the other three men who were all vying for her attention that year. Would life of turned out any better being with Seb, Kristen or even Neil?

With her guardian angel, Aunty Flick, watching over her, Flick finds a way to show Sophie just what her life could of been like had she chosen a different path. Surely it couldn’t be worse than the one she is currently living?

I like what Terry has done with this unique story. At only 136 pages long, Round and Round is only quite short, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. The book is brimming with fantastic characters, beautiful scenery and a subject that can engage the reader, as most have done the ‘What if?’ at some point in their lives.

Sophie starts off quite a shy young woman, but by the magic of weight loss, her confidence grows and so does the interest from men and she finds herself spoilt for choice.

You could see the change that had happened to Sophie through the power of her losing weight and how her confidence grew immensely. She even took a job away from home, one that she would never of taken without her confidence boost. Fortunately/unfortunately this is when her first fling, with a sexy young artist, Seb , her weekday lover begins.

Aunty Felicity (Flick), reminded me of hippy. She was free spirited in life and nothing changed once she had crossed into the light. She loved Sophie as if she was her own daughter, even Sophie’s own mother didn’t love her as much. Before she died she promised to watch over Sophie, and Sophie felt close to her at their special place, The Angel Tree.

Flick shows Sophie just what her life could of been like through a series of dreams. I love the parallel world that Terry has created, I was absorbed into the plot and was intrigued by just how Sophie’s life could of turned out.

A quick, yet fantastic story that will have you gripped right until the last page, expertly written and will leave you with a little smile on your face.

Book reviewed by Stacey

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About the author of a witch

Terry Tyler

I have eleven books on Amazon; the 11th, ‘The House of York’, was published in October 2015. I write contemporary (women’s) fiction, a little bit romantic suspense, a little bit edgy, a little bit dark sometimes, always real life.

Currently writing a novella about three writers, working title ‘Bestseller’. I’m a history addict, love winter and bleak places, countryside and sea….. TV & film wise: Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, The Wire, Sleeper Cell, Game of Thrones, The Last Kingdom, historical docs ~ anything good about war, gangsters, government conspiracies, crime. And good humour.

Love South Park. Music: rock, jazz/blues, a bit of classical and opera. I live with my husband in the North East of England.

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2 Responses

  1. Terry Tyler says:

    Thank you so very much, Stacey! I had no idea you were reading this now, which is always a lovely surprise – and I am so pleased you liked it this much. THANK YOU! xx

  2. whisperingstories says:

    You are most welcome. I really enjoyed it. I remember years ago, before I met my husband, doing the ‘What If?’ myself. But if things had been different I wouldn’t have my wonderful supportive husband and my beautiful boys. x