Falling Into Magic by Elizabeth Pantley – Book Review

Falling Into Magic by Elizabeth Pantley – Book Review

Falling into Magic COVER eBook 10.30.20

Falling Into Magic
Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book One

Author – Elizabeth Pantley
Publisher – Better Beginnings Inc
Pages – 299
Released – 4th November 2020
Format – ebook, paperback
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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When Hayden was a child, she lost her cat. Adults told her the cat ran away, but she knew the truth. The mirror had taken her.

She knew because the mirror had given her a glimpse of an alternate world and had nearly pulled her in, so she was certain the cat had suffered that fate.

Twenty years later Hayden discovers the secret of the mirror when she is thrust into it. She learns of a world she never knew existed, and a family she never knew she had.

But danger brought her here, and it followed her. Now, Hayden is on a mission to remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical, meaningful new life in this enchanted world.

Review by Stacey

Hayden is terrified of mirrors which started when she was a child and she used to see people in them that weren’t there, or worst still, a mirror took her cat. Now as an adult Hayden is suddenly thrust into a parallel world (with a different pet cat) that everyday folk can’t see, so they don’t know it exists.

She arrives in a place called Destiny Falls. A magical world that moves around depending on the season. Here she discovers that her father, a father she never knew, lives with his family and his parents and they are a very special family as they are the keepers of the town. Oh, and her pet cat can talk to her and wants to be called ‘Princess Latifa’.

Not long into her stay in Destiny Falls a murder occurs and Hayden is sure she can help find the killer. But does she have the skills and will she put herself in danger?

Falling Into Magic is the perfect title for this book as essentially this is what happens to Hayden. One minute she is in the real world with a sinister-looking man coming towards her, the next she is in a strange place with her cat talking to her and a man telling her he is her brother.

The world-building was quite special and easy to visualise. Destiny Falls seems quite like the perfect place as the world changes depending on what you need or what help you require. In fact, the world felt quite cartoony. Not in a bad way but like the cartoons set in magical lands where everything is bright and beautiful. Plus, we have a witch living there too.

Whilst I enjoyed getting to know the characters and the world I wasn’t quite so sure with the writing as it felt like it was aimed at young readers and I did wonder if the book was more for the YA market than for adults. It was very much a case of telling you what is happening rather than letting the story pan out naturally and show the reader what was occurring.

It took me a while to get through it but I think not being a big fan of fantasies and cosy mysteries is partly the reason why. This is the first book in the series but it is where my journey ends. If you love fantasies and want something different that interweaves a murder mystery and is set in a weird and magical world then this is the book to read.

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Author Info

Elizabeth Pantley Falling Into Magic

Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and eight other books in the No-Cry Solution series of books for parents. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She is also the author of well-received Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series.

She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is the mother of four and Nana to one.

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8 Responses

  1. Jo Linsdell says:

    Falling Into Magic sounds like quite a mix of genres. Something a bit different. I’m intrigued though.

  2. Megan | Bookstacks & Golden Moms says:

    Falling Into Magic sounds like an interesting mystery. I think it’s one I would really enjoy reading 🙂 Great review!

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    Not one I’d pick up on my own as it sounds YA to me.

  4. Falling Into Magic sounds like my type of read! I would love to check it out.

  5. Thanks Jo. It is a mix of genres, with fantasy, magic realism, mystery and to me YA as well. Good to hear you are intrigued.

  6. Thanks Megan, if you like cosy mysteries, then this would be perfect for you.

  7. Thanks DJ, it was definitely the feeling I got from the book and the whole plot too, not just the writing.

  8. Thanks Kate. If it sounds like something you would enjoy them you should definitely check it out. Book two is out now as well.