Glass Arrows by Heather Peck – Book Review

Glass Arrows by Heather Peck – Book Review

Glass Arrows by Heather Peck

Glass Arrows
DCI Greg Geldard Book Two

Author – Heather Peck
Publisher – Silverwood Books
Pages – 312
Released – 21st July 2021
ISBN-13 – 978-1800420854
Format – ebook, paperback
Rating – 4 Stars
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When the body of a farmworker is found during a turkey cull, the incident falls to DCI Greg Geldard to investigate. Newly promoted and newly transferred from North Yorkshire to Norfolk, he is about to face the most challenging case of his career. As he uncovers evidence of organised crime and modern slavery, the body count rises, a friend is threatened and he struggles to bring the murderer to justice.

Glass Arrows is about loss and exploitation. Loss of belonging and certainty. Exploitation of labour, of people and of the environment. And one man’s fight to rise above his own problems to do what he believes is right.

Prey, predator or protector – which are you? Glass Arrows is the second book in the DCI Greg Geldard thriller series.

Review by Jane

Glass Arrows is an unravelling rabbit hole of a crime story set in Norfolk. The dead body of Lithuanian turkey farm-worker Jonas is found amongst the turkeys that are awaiting their own fate of being culled following the discovery of a virus that has been identified within them that could result in a potential pandemic as the virus is believed to be transferable to humans.

The people that have been called in to oversee the operation to cull and remove the entire livestock are up against it as the police investigative team is trying to salvage what they can from the crime scene without causing a risk to the public.

Chief Inspector Greg Geldard is the officer in charge of the case. He has recently been promoted and has transferred from North Yorkshire to the area. During the investigation, he uncovers evidence of organised crime and slavery. As another linked death occurs, DCI Geldard struggles to bring the murderer to justice.

This is the second book in the DCI Greg Geldard series, though it works perfectly fine as a standalone. There is no doubt that the author, Heather Peck, has written a thriller that is both tough in subject matter and bang up-to-date. She has also approached the topic very sensitively.

I certainly loved the premise as it was clear from the get-go that this was deeper than just murder, however, there were so many people introduced in such a short space of time that I found it difficult to remember who was who. Further, without any descriptions of any of the character’s personalities or appearances, it all seemed a little rushed and I wasn’t sure initially if I was going to carry on reading more than the first few chapters. That said, I had become hooked and was desperate for justice.

Glass Arrows is definitely a fast-paced thriller that eventually became a page-turner after the initial stuttered start. I loved that the ending was full of suspense and I enjoyed the read immensely.

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Author Info

Heather Peck is the author of the Greg Geldard series of murder mysteries, set in rural North Yorkshire and Norfolk.

I’ve had a life of two halves. In the first I was both farmer and agricultural policy adviser. I bred sheep and alpacas, reared calves, broke ploughs, represented the UK in international negotiations, specialised in emergency response from Chernobyl to bird flu, managed controls over pesticides and GM crops, saw legislation through parliament and got paid to eat KitKats while on secondment to Rowntree. In the second I chaired an NHS Trust, worked on animal welfare, sailed a boat on the Norfolk Broads, volunteered in Citizens Advice and the Witness Service and vaccinate humans against Covid. Two golden threads have run through everything; my love for both reading and writing.

Now I write about the countryside and the animals I love, the industry (farming) I hold in deepest respect, and the various ways in which humans make things bad for each other and the world around them, always being very aware of the sad fact that cruelty to animals usually goes hand in hand with cruelty to other humans. Much of my time in the Witness Service and in Citizens Advice has indeed brought me face to face with some of the more tragic aspects of family life and work.

I write about the rural world because I want to share its wonders, peculiarities and hilarious moments with people who may not have been privileged to see it as I have seen it. But I wrote these specific books, Secret Places and Glass Arrows, because each uncovers problems that are probably hidden to most of us and about which I care passionately.

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