I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by Milly Johnson – Book Review

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by Milly Johnson – Book Review

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by Milly Johnson

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day

Author – Milly Johnson
Publisher – Simon & Schuster UK
Pages – 416
Released – 29th October 2020
ISBN-13 – 978-1471198656
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Review by – Stacey
Rating – 4 Stars
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It’s nearly Christmas and it’s snowing, hard. Deep in the Yorkshire Moors nestles a tiny hamlet, with a pub at its heart. As the snow falls, the inn will become an unexpected haven for six people forced to seek shelter there…

Mary has been trying to get her boss Jack to notice her for four years, but he can only see the efficient PA she is at work. Will being holed up with him finally give her the chance she has been waiting for?

Bridge and Luke were meeting for five minutes to set their divorce in motion. But will getting trapped with each other reignite too many fond memories – and love?

Charlie and Robin were on their way to a luxury hotel in Scotland for a very special Christmas. But will the inn give them everything they were hoping to find – and much more besides?

A story of knowing when to hold on and when to let go, of pushing limits and acceptance, of friendship, love, laughter, mince pies and the magic of Christmas.

Review 2020 red

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day is a beautiful book, both on the outside and inside that is perfectly festive for this time of year. The story surrounds six very different people who all are after something this year, whether it is a divorce, to be noticed, or to have a wonderful Christmas with a loved one.

The six people, in three couples, all end up in a small village called Figgy Hollow (nice Christmassy name) after a snowstorm blows in and makes their journeys impossible. Soon to be divorced Bridget is the first to arrive in the village which looks abandoned and after numerous door knocking decides her only option is to break into the local inn and wait for the storm to pass. Not long after she is joined by the others.

The story gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling and certainly made this Grinch get in the holiday spirit. It is like a festive cheer wrapped in a glorious novel, best read with a roaring fire, a warm blanket, and lashings of hot chocolate.

The characters were all interesting to get to know and they had their ups and downs as well as some humorous moments too. They went through a range of emotions and it was nice to see such friendships as well as forgiveness being made. I also loved that they had a local radio station playing Christmas music to keep them company too.

This is one festive book you don’t want to miss. It is very British, from our strange weather to our sayings and tiny hamlets in the middle of nowhere. Plus our never forgetting of the hurricane of 1987 that we were assured would never happen (I was only nine at the time and remember it vividly).

Book Reviewer – Stacey

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About the Author

Milly Johnson I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day

Milly Johnson was born, raised and still lives in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. She is the author of 17 published novels, 4 short story ebooks, a book of poetry and a Quick Reads Novella (‘The Little Dreams of Lara Cliffe’) and was an erstwhile leading copywriter for the greetings card industry. She is also a poem and joke-writer, a newspaper columnist and a seasoned after dinner speaker.

She won the RoNA for Best Romantic Comedy Novel of 2014 and 2016, the Yorkshire Society award for Arts and Culture 2015 and the Romantic Novelist Association Outstanding Achievement award in 2020.

She writes about love, life, friendships and the importance of community spirit. Her books champion women, their strength and resilience and celebrate her beloved Yorkshire.

Her latest book – My One True North tackles the subject of moving on after grief with a light and joyous touch. The Daily Trumpet makes a large appearance and previous novels ‘The Teashop on the Corner’ and ‘Here Come the Girls’ are referenced.

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3 Responses

  1. Oh this sounds so lovely and Christmassy! <3

  2. Ooh, I feel like I would love a film version of this!

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    Lovely review, While I’m not feeling all that Christmassy, I’m really getting into the Christmas books this year to make up for it.