Memories Never Die by C. Thomas Cox – Book Review

Memories Never Die by C. Thomas Cox – Book Review

Memories Never Die by C. Thomas Cox

Memories Never Die

Author – C. Thomas Cox
Pages – 310
Released – 6th June 2020
ISBN-13 – 979-8651407002
Format – ebook, paperback
Review by – Julie
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Thirty years ago, Jim got away with murder. Today, his victim came back — and he brought trouble.

The dead farmer whom Jim thought he had left behind in Vietnam has revenge on his mind, and Jim’s wife and son are his targets. Unless the threat the farmer imposes — and possibly the man himself — is only a figment of Jim’s PTSD-driven hallucinations.

While Jim races to protect his family, he battles the mental demons that the farmer’s re-appearance rekindles. Will he be able to save his family before his memories destroy his mind?

Review 2020 red

‘Memories Never Die’ is a thriller by American based author, C Thomas Cox. Our main character is James Richmond, a Vietnam veteran who has suffered mental health issues for years. The story is told in the first person and the past tense.

Jim is in his seventies and has been married to the long-suffering Claire for fifty years but he has carried with him a terrible secret for their entire married life. He is retired but enjoys refereeing junior boys’ baseball matches until one day someone who reminds him of his days in combat, begins to heckle him from the side lines. This starts as an irritation but Jim becomes worried when the man, whom he nicknames Half-Ear, in view of his appearance, indicates he intends to harm Jim by showing him a knife. Is this man just an over-enthusiastic parent or is he someone far more sinister? J im’s reluctance to allow the matter to drop, thrusts him deeply into a chain of events that threaten his freedom and indeed his life.

The story picks up in pace as the plot develops and the reader is never certain if Jim is really at the centre of a vendetta or if Half-Ear is an imaginary part of his recurrent PTSD. A second dramatic thread then kicks in, leaving the reader again wondering if this is really happening or an additional fantasy/nightmare.

Perhaps a little depth of character is missing from this story but it’s very refreshing to read a thriller where the main protagonist isn’t a stereotypical youngish, rugged, misunderstood antihero.

Arguably, the beginning of the book needs a bit more of a punch to really engage the reader but I encourage anyone who picks it up, to persevere because there are several twists and turns and even a bit of black humour along the way until we reach the unexpected conclusion.

The author explores the horrifying trauma and lifelong psychological toll war can take on those that served – hence the relevance of the title. I commend him for sticking faithfully to his task without any superfluous padding and award a very well-earned four stars.

Book Reviewer – Julie

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About the Author

C. Thomas Cox Memories Never Die

C. Thomas Cox specializes in suspense and thrillers. He lives in Maryland with the love of his life and his two wonderful sons.

When he’s not playing baseball or basketball with his boys, he can often be found at the lake attempting — and often failing — to catch a trophy fish.

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5 Responses

  1. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf says:

    Wow, this sounds intensely emotional. Thank you for sharing this book as it is new to me.

  2. Nadene says:

    This sounds intense.

  3. Wow, this sounds amazing.

  4. Robin Loves Reading says:

    This book looks like it packs a punch. Great review.

  5. vidya says:

    Sounds very interesting.. loved your review