Molten Dusk by Karissa Laurel – Book Review

Molten Dusk by Karissa Laurel – Book Review

Molten Dusk by Karissa Laurel

Molten Dusk
The Norse Chronicles Book Three

Author – Karissa Laurel
Publisher – Red Adept Pub
Release Date – 23rd August 2017
Pages – 272
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Nia
I received a free copy of this book
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New Synopsis Molten Dusk

While recovering from a devastating betrayal, Solina becomes increasingly drawn to Thorin as he helps her hunt down Skoll, the mythical wolf who vowed to kill her. If she can find and destroy the beast, she’ll bring a swift and brutal end to her enemies’ schemes. But nothing ever goes as planned in Solina’s strange new world.

During her search for Skoll, Solina uncovers a plot to unleash a battalion of legendary soldiers and launch an apocalyptic war. Before she and her allies can locate the fabled army, several ghosts from her past return to haunt her. Solina must fight for life and the fate of the world, or her hopes for love and a peaceful future will go up in flames.


I’ve loved this series with all of my heart since I picked up the first book and this book just cements the knowledge that I have immaculate taste, which pairs well with my strong sense of humility.

Molten Dusk, is the perfect marriage of norse mythology with modern day life, the descendants of the old gods are waging old wars – including the second coming of Ragnarok which will end the world as we know it.

Solina, the heroine, is one of my favourite literary characters of all time. She gets stronger and more worldly with every instalment of this series but she never loses the qualities that made me adore her in the first place – she’s brave, loyal and sensible (which is a greatly underrated quality in a heroine!). She’s becoming more practical as time goes on and she’s taking control of her powers so she can protect herself and those she loves.

Of all the side characters, I think it’s the women that I love the most – they’re all tough and vulnerable in their own ways and nobody treats them as lesser humans because they’re damaged. There’s a lot of love going on in this book (not just the romantic kind) and it hits me in right in the feelings, that said – the romance does amp up a little bit this time round and may I be the first to swoon over Thorin? I speculated in my first review that I may have a slight crush on him, now I’m unrepentantly in love.

The battles in this book are even more dramatic than those in the last two, with all of the characters pitching in to do their part. This means that some of the intrigue becomes a thing of the past when things become clearer so that characters can take action – personally, I savour this part in a series when things become clear so that loose ends can be tied up.

Laurel’s writing style is like wrapping yourself up in a fleece blanket and enjoying a mug of hot chocolate with a shot of something naughty in it – I can’t even put my finger on exactly what it is that appeals to me so much, she has a wonderful storytelling ability and all of her characters are complex and well written.

Molten Dusk is a book that you do need to read in series otherwise you’re missing up on a lot of the plot and tension building, but it’s well worth your time to catch up. If you have so much as a passing interest in Norse mythology or fantasy, you need this series on your bookshelf. I’ll be investing in the print copies soon, the covers are too gorgeous to pass up on!

Book reviewed by Nia

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New About the Author

Karissa Laurel Molten Dusk

Some of Karissa Laurel’s favorite things are coffee, chocolate, and super heroes. She can quote Princess Bride verbatim. She loves to read and has a sweet tooth for fantasy, sci-fi, and anything in between.

Sometimes her husband convinces her to put down the books and take the motorcycles out for a spin or go hunting for rusty old relics at flea-markets. Karissa lives in North Carolina with her kid, her husband, the occasional in-law, and a very hairy husky named Bonnie.

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8 Responses

  1. Julie Williams says:

    Father Christmas found above Molten Dusk book review

  2. Yuli Atanasova says:

    I don’t know what I should say in order to enter the giveaway but I will say that I like the review and I may add this book to my TBR because it sounds like something I’d read. Also, thank you for this chance ^^

  3. Well done on finding Santa Claus on this page. Whoo. X

  4. Whoo, well done, glad that you found him. X

  5. Leila Benhamida says:

    Found Santa on Molten Dusk by Karissa Laurel – Book Review. Was not sure where to write.

  6. Julie Boon says:

    Looks like I have found him on this page!

  7. Congratulations that you managed to find Santa on this page. Whoo

  8. Congratulations that you found Santa on this page, Whoo.