Mr Doubler Begins Again by Seni Glaister – Book Review

Mr Doubler Begins Again by Seni Glaister – Book Review

Mr Doubler Begins Again by Seni Glaister

Mr Doubler Begins Again

Author – Seni Glaister
Publisher – HQ
Pages – 384
Released – 24th January 2019
ISBN-13 – 978-0008284985
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Not every journey takes you far from home.

Baked, mashed, boiled or fried, Mr Doubler knows his potatoes. But the same canโ€™t be said for people. Since he lost his wife, heโ€™s been on his own at Mirth Farm โ€“ and that suits Doubler just fine. Crowds are for other people; the only company he needs are his potato plants and his housekeeper, Mrs Millwood, who visits every day.

So when Mrs Millwood is taken ill, it ruins everything โ€“ and Mr Doubler begins to worry that he might have lost his way. But could the kindness of strangers be enough to bring him down from the hill?

Review new 2021

Mr Doubler is an elderly, proud man who lives alone on his little plot of land at the top of a hill at Mirth Farm. He has lived all alone since his wife died and has been determined never to leave the farm again. To get the things he needs that he can’t grow on the farm he has his housekeeper Mrs Millwood bring them when she comes to clean.

Mr Doubler is a potato connoisseur and loves everything about them. He doesn’t run the biggest potato farm but he sure knows that his potatoes are the best. The biggest potato grower owns the land surrounding his farm, Mr Peele and he wants to buy Mirth Farm. Mr Doubler will never sell and especially not to a man like Peele.

Mr Doubler is happy living on his own, he likes his own company and that of his potatoes. He doesn’t like crowds or many people for that fact. He likes living a simple life and wants to see out his years just as he has been doing for the last few – Alone.

He does have two children who visit now and again, Julian and Camilla. Whilst Camilla wants what’s best for her dad, Julian is very vocal about his father selling the farm and even offers to do all the work for him. Still, Mr Doubler won’t shift.

When Mrs Millwood takes ill, Mr Doubler realises just how much she does for him and not only that, how much he enjoys her company and the little talks they have. He soon begins to realise that he needs to go down his hill and into the village where people are and just maybe he might like what he sees and who he meets.

Mr Doubler Begins Again is an unusual book. I’ve never read a book where potatoes are featured so heavily, this isn’t a bad thing as I love potatoes too. Just like Mr Doubler they can be mashed, boiled, roasted or even fried and I will eat them. The book also taught me a thing or two about potatoes and about cheddar cheese – Go figure!

Mr Doubler is a lovely sweet man who since his wife died has come to enjoy his own company and you get the sense that he may have hidden away from the world to protect himself from others. Getting attached to people and then losing them hurts. Grief can make you want to seek solitude.

The book has so cleverly been written, it’s a bit like a self-help book written in a fictional story as you see the world through the eyes of Mr Doubler and you get to share his journey of re-discovery.

The book was extremely sweet and easy to read and I have to mention the cover as I find it quite elegant. It’s not often I read books featuring an elderly character but the few I have, including this one, have been fascinating to read, heart-warming and so poignant too. I also love the conversations between Mr Doubler and Mrs Millwood, she is such an inspiring lady.

Please don’t be put off by the potatoes or that the book is about an elderly gentleman, but embrace them both and give this book a read. Put simply, Mr Doubler Begins Again was a sheer delight to read and I enjoyed every single page.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Seni Glaister

Novelist, founder and former CEO of The Book People and founder of WeFiFo (“We Find Food”)

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20 Responses

  1. Robin Taylor says:

    Looks like an enjoyable story.

  2. Floryie says:

    Great review!

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    From the appearance, I was expecting a children’s book. It looks sweet and I do love spuds ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Jennifer says:

    Potatoes are really my favorite food, so this is a man of my heart. I think this would be cute.

  5. This sounds sad and sweet at the same time! Wonderful review – and I agree, I love that cover!!

  6. Emma Mane says:

    Amazing review. Love the idea behind the book.

  7. Stormi says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed this one! I don’t read a lot of books with an elderly Martin character either.

  8. vidya says:

    sounds like a totally sweet read.. great review and love the cover actually ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Melissa's fandom world says:

    great review, thanks for sharing!

  10. Great review Stacey, I absolutely love the cute book cover as well. This book really does looks and sounds like a really fun and heartwarming book, I’m really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  11. No, definitely a book for adults ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. You can do so much with them! It is very cute.

  13. It is both at times. Thank you.

  14. I don’t think there are a great deal of books out there with older characters.

  15. It is very sweet.

  16. Thank you. You are very welcome.

  17. Thank you. It is certainly a heart warming book.