#SkinAndBlisters by Linh Le James – Book Review

#SkinAndBlisters by Linh Le James – Book Review

SkinandBlisters by Linh Le James

#Toots Series Book Two

Author – Linh Le James
Pages – 454
Released – 1st July 2020
ISBN-13 – 979-8646727184
Format – ebook, paperback
Review by – Selina
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Jess drives herself insane, trying to prove her husband’s affair. Timing his trips to the shops? Check. Looking for burners in the toilets’ cistern? Check. Can she stop herself before she breaks her own marriage?

Louise pretends to be vegan, spiritual, and teetotal. Only vino and fags can ease the stress of wedding preparations, but she bravely decides to give up on her vices. Can she turn into a saint before her fiancé finds out who she really is?

Carla is falling for her very young assistant. Will she follow her heart or her head?

Emily is a magnet for psychos and losers. Her new, normal, seemingly-nice boyfriend asks for a break. Will she get back with him? Or at him?

If things can go wrong, they will. Luckily, there’s nothing that cocktails, lousy sisterly advice, and friendship can’t fix.

Review 2020 red

Having read the first book in the #Toots series, I couldn’t wait to get started on the next instalment.

It was great to be back with the four sisters, Emily, Jess, Carla, and Louise. As we catch up with them. Jess is still driving herself crazy trying to catch her husband out and to see he is really is cheating or not. Louise, now engaged to her dream man is carrying lots of secrets and pretending to be someone she really isn’t. Can she give up her vices of wine and cigarettes before it’s too late?

Carla, having woken up next to her assistant Freddie in book one, after a night of heavy drinking, has now fallen for him hook, line, and sinker but should she take the plunge and go for it or could it cause more problems than it’s worth? Lastly, Emily, has gotten back out there on the dating scene after her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. Now with a new boyfriend, all seems to be going well until he asks for a break, but Emily may just need to go back to him for more reasons than one.

Again there is a lot of jumping around in the story so you have to pay attention to which sister you are reading about. I genuinely loved being back with the sisters, they are all so relatable and easy to like.

Linh Le James has written with ease and draws the reader in at every turn. With lots of laughter to be had, this is one series I cant wait to read more of.

Book Reviewer – Selina

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About the Author

Linh Le James SkinAndBlisters

Linh is Vietnamese. She was born and grew up in France. After college, she moved to Southern California and lived there for a few years before settling in the UK for 15 years, first in Wales, then in Surrey. In 2018, she packed all of her shoes, her kids, hubby, and the Dog and moved to the UAE.

Storytelling is her passion since childhood.

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6 Responses

  1. This sounds like a fun read!

  2. DJ Sakata says:

    I would enjoy this series

  3. Bianca says:

    The cover is super cute!

  4. I don’t mind the jumping around with characters as long as the author lets you know which one it’s about.

  5. Robin Loves Reading says:

    Jumping around is okay, as long as it all ties in together towards the end. Really glad that you enjoyed the book.

  6. Megan | Bookstacks & Golden Moms says:

    I love romantic comedies! And what an adorable cover 🙂 Great review!