Winter at The Cosy Cottage Café by Rachel Griffiths – Book Review

Winter at The Cosy Cottage Café by Rachel Griffiths – Book Review

Winter at the Cosy Cafe by Rachel Griffiths

Winter at The Cosy Cottage Café
The Cosy Cottage Cafe Book Three

Author – Rachel Griffiths
Pages – 165
Released – 20th November 2017
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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Camilla Dix is fiercely independent. Growing up, she had to be strong for her mother and younger sister after her father left them for a new life in Benidorm. Camilla has kept her heart firmly closed to love, and never allows her relationships with men to develop into anything serious.

Tom Stone moved to Heatherlea for a fresh start. He’s been hurt in the past and has no intention of making himself vulnerable again. The only company he wants at night is that of his rescue British Bulldog Hairy Pawter.

However, when Camilla and Tom meet, they can’t deny their mutual attraction, and something deeper soon develops between them.

As snows falls over Heatherlea, mulled wine flows and festive carols fill the air, but can Camilla and Tom put their fears aside and trust each other enough to let love in?

New one review witch 2017

Winter at the Cosy Cottage Café is the third book by Rachel Griffith that is set in the little village of Heatherlea. Last year I reviewed the first two, Summer at the Cosy Cottage Café and Autumn at the Cosy Cottage Café – can you guess which one is next? Yes, you’re right, Spring at the Cosy Cottage Café, which is to be released in April 2018.

In book one we met Allie, who runs the Cosy Cottage Café and her boyfriend, author Chris. In book two we met Allie’s friends and villagers, Dawn and Rick Beaumont-Dix and their two children, Laura and James. Dawn was having a troubled pregnancy and the couple were having marital problems. In this book we meet Dawn’s sister Camilla, whom we met briefly in book two, and newcomer to the village, Vet Tom.

In this book, winter has definitely arrived, Christmas is looming, a romance might just be blossoming and a face from the past is causing emotions to run high.

All the books are only a short read, this one being the longest at 165 pages. The book might only be short but Rachel has filled it with such wonderful characters, vivid scenery and a beautiful plotline that I enjoyed from beginning to end. I also love how the characters from previous books make appearances in the later ones.

The Cosy Cottage Café series is very Chick-Lit-Esq, and doesn’t actually feel like separate stories, more like one long novel. For this reason you really need to read this series from the beginning, and in order. They are perfect feel-good romantic stories that you can settle down with, making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. They are all a real joy to read. I now can’t wait for Spring to arrive!

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Author. Wife. Mother. Earl Grey tea drinker. Gin enthusiast. Dog walker. Fan of the afternoon nap.

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6 Responses

  1. Nikki says:

    I’ll definitely keep in mind when looking for my next novella to read!

  2. Great review. I don’t usually read chick lit but this series sounds interesting

  3. DJ Sakata says:

    I like books like this – thanx!

  4. Randi @ Kiss Like a Girl says:

    Ohh, I love reading about small towns. I also love when books leave me with warm, fuzzy feelings. Guess I’ll be reading these soon!

  5. This looks so cute! Great review!

  6. Wynne says:

    The cover is so adorable! Wonderful review !