I’ll Find You by Liz Lawler – Book Review

I’ll Find You by Liz Lawler – Book Review

I'll find you by Liz Lawler

I’ll Find You

Author – Liz Lawler
Publisher – Zaffre
Pages – 400
Released – 2nd May 2019
ISBN-13 – 978-1785766039
Format – ebook, paperback, audio
Reviewer – Linda
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Emily Jacobs wakes up in the night after a minor operation, woozy with anaesthetic. She sees the doctor frantically trying to resuscitate the woman in the bed next to her.

In the morning, she is told that she must have had a nightmare.

That the bed has been empty all along . . .

When Emily returns to her work as a nurse, she discovers a bracelet that she believes belonged to the missing woman. She becomes convinced the people at the hospital are hiding a terrible secret.

What if she’s right?

What else could they be capable of?

Review new 2021

Set in Bath, UK. Young nurse Emily Jacobs has had to have a minor operation at the private hospital she works at. Whilst coming around from her anesthetic she is certain she saw a woman being resuscitated in the bed next to her. Upon waking fully all the beds are empty and the staff seems to not know what Emily is talking about, telling her she must have dreamt the event.

Emily has had a tough year after the disappearance of her sister Zoe. She suffered with her mental health as a result and has only just returned to work on the advice of her therapist.

Emily isn’t 100% confident in what she saw until she finds a bracelet. What has Emily stumbled upon and will anyone believe her?

I’ll Find You is Liz Lawler second gripping psychological thriller and what a thriller it is. The plot is so interesting and is filled with lots and lots of twists and turns giving to excitement and plenty of intrigues.

There are several memorable characters including Emily who is a determined young lady who is desperate to discover the truth but does have doubts along the way of her own sanity. Geraldine the Detective Inspector came across very real and went with her gut instincts and her police nose when something didn’t feel right. I also fell in love with the young A&E doctor Gerry who believed in Emily all the time.

Lots of special and good chapters in this book including when Emily’s dad makes his peace with her which showed such emotion. Highs and lows were clearly identified and left me several times with my heart in my mouth! I’ll Find You really drew me in. It was a definite page turner and I recommend it 100% and would love to read more from this author in the future.

Book Reviewer – Linda

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About the Author

Liz Lawler

Liz Lawler had a 20-year career as a nurse before becoming a general manager of a five star hotel. She found it an easy transition as she used the same greeting to both patient and hotel guest ‘Good morning. did you sleep well?’ she loves books and all things bookish!

Ill Find You

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16 Responses

  1. Robin Loves Reading says:

    Looks like a great book.

  2. DJ Sakata says:

    This looks divine – I wants it

  3. Mandi Schneck says:

    Oooh anything medical really freaks me out! Since I rarely get shaken up by thrillers anymore, I might have to try this one!

  4. Shelley W says:

    I like this one. Fab review.

  5. Stormi says:

    Ooo I like the sound of this one!

  6. Ashley Jayne says:

    lovely review, sounds good

  7. vidya says:

    This sounds like one I will truly enjoy reading 🙂

  8. This sounds good. Great review!

  9. Thanks it really is.

  10. It really is good. I hope you get to read it.

  11. Brilliant, I hope you enjoy it too.

  12. Brilliant, Thank you.

  13. Great, I hope you get to read it too.

  14. It so is. Thank you.