The Party Crasher by Sophie Kinsella – Book Review

The Party Crasher by Sophie Kinsella – Book Review

The Party Crasher by Sophie Kinsella

The Party Crasher

Author – Sophie Kinsella
Publisher – Bantam Press
Pages – 336
Released – 14th October 2021
ISBN-13 – 978-1787632455
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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The Talbots are having one last party at their family home.
But Effie hasn’t been invited . . .

Effie’s still not over her parents splitting up a year ago. Her dad and his new girlfriend are posting their PDAs all over Instagram – and no one should have to deal with photos of their dad with the hashtags #viagraworks and #sexinyoursixties. Now they’re selling the beloved family home and holding a ‘house-cooling’ party. When Effie receives only a last-minute ‘anti-invitation’, she decides to give it a miss.

Until she remembers her precious Russian dolls, safely tucked away up a chimney. She’ll have to go back for them – but not as a guest. She’ll just creep in, grab the dolls and make a swift exit. No one will know she was ever there.

Of course, nothing goes to plan. Not only does Effie bump into her ex-boyfriend (who she’s very much not over), she can’t find the dolls. And as she secretly clambers around dusty attics, hides under tables and mournfully eyes up the dessert table, she discovers unexpected truths about her family – and even about herself.

With time (and hiding places) running out, Effie starts to wonder if she’d be better off simply crashing the party. Perhaps that’s the only way to find out what’s really going on with her family…

Expect shocking secrets, hilarious mix-ups and an unforgettable romance. Welcome to the party of the year!

Review by Stacey

Siblings Effie, Bean, and Gus are at the family home, Greenoaks, getting ready for Christmas when their father and step-mum (of the nice variety) announce they are getting divorced.

The book then moves forward 18 months and youngest daughter Effie is at loggerheads with her father and his new young girlfriend Krista who as Effie sees her is a gold-digger.

She hasn’t been back to the family home in a long time and discovers that her father (who has changed dramatically since meeting Krista) is now selling the place and that the couple is throwing a last glitzy party there, one Effie hasn’t been invited to.

Remembering that she hid her precious Russian dolls, which she has had since childhood, in the spare bedroom chimney, Effie decides she is going to sneak in and get them by using the party as a diversion, but what could possibly go wrong?

If I am completely honest I was expecting The Party Crasher to be a hilarious romp. A laugh-a-minute book from beginning to end and whilst it was highly amusing it was far, far more than I imagined. It was a story of broken families, of a daughter feeling abandoned by those she cares about and having the only true home she has ever known ripped from under her feet, as well as a broken heart from an ex-boyfriend who she can’t help keep bumping in to.

Told from the POV of Effie the plot had a lot of depth to it and you could feel the emotions that she was going through and understand her irrational idea of crashing the party to get her dolls. Although she doesn’t get far before she realises her plan won’t work and she needs another, quickly and has to make a phone call she didn’t want to make.

The story of broken families is one many people across the world will be all too familiar with. Believe me, I know about them too. The book shows you how easily they can happen, and what it does to those involved.

The Party Crasher was completely delightful the whole way through. It was great fun as well as being heart-warming and tender at times. It is a fabulous read, one that felt a little slow at the beginning but exceptionally enjoyable once the party had begun.

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Author Info

Sophie Kinsella the party crasher

Sophie Kinsella is an internationally bestselling writer. She is the author of many number one bestsellers, including the hugely popular Shopaholic series. She has also written seven bestselling novels as Madeleine Wickham and several books for children. She lives in the UK with her husband and family.

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6 Responses

  1. DJ Sakata says:

    This author is extremely talented, I haven’t read her as often as I’d like but I have always enjoyed her work.

  2. vidya says:

    I think I need to read more of Kinsella, and this book sounds like a great read.. loved your review!!!

  3. Nadene says:

    I have heard great things about the author, but have yet to read any of her work. It sounds like you had a goo time with this one.

  4. Thank you DJ. I agree she really is. I read her Shopaholic series many years ago.

  5. Thank you Vidya. It really is a fantastic read and you should pick it up.

  6. Thanks Nadene. Her work is fab and well worth a read.