Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather – Book Review

Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather – Book Review

Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather

Haunting the Deep

Author – Adriana Mather
Publisher – Alfred A. Knopf Books
Pages – 343
Released – 3rd October 2017
ISBN-13 – 978-0553539516
Format – hardcover, audio
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
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Samantha Mather knew her family’s connection to the infamous Salem Witch Trials might pose obstacles to an active social life. But having survived one curse, she never thought she’d find herself at the center of a new one.

This time, Sam is having recurring dreams about the Titanic . . . where she’s been walking the deck with first-class passengers, like her aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, in Sam’s waking life, strange missives from the Titanic have been finding their way to her, along with haunting visions of people who went down with the ship.

Ultimately, Sam and the Descendants, along with some help from heartthrob Elijah, must unravel who is behind the spell that is drawing her ever further into the dream ship . . . and closer to sharing the same grim fate as its ghostly passengers.

New one review witch 2017

I recently read and reviewed ‘How to Hang a Witch‘ and loved it. Soon after finishing it, I realised that there was a sequel and bought it straight away. I did wonder at first where the author was going to take the book, as a girl in Salem has a lot to do with witches, but the Titanic, I wasn’t so sure. However, the story worked perfectly.

Sam Mather is back 6 months after the order in the first book. Whilst having breakfast a young girl appears to her and then disappears. She is concerned as nothing ever good come from spirits showing themselves, and she was right to think that as more appear.

Sam and the Descendants try to do a spell to ward off the spirits, but that only causes more problems. With spells being cast on classmates and her vivid dreams of being on the Titanic exceptionally real, Sam realises that trouble is definitely coming her way and that once again she needs the help of her friendly spirit, Elijah (A spirit she may just have a crush on).

I have a keen interest in the Titanic. Like the author, I too have a relative on-board, although mine wasn’t so lucky and went down with the ship, his body never to be recovered. So, this book was perfect for me. The author has kept to factual information surrounding the Titanic and if you don’t know much about it, the book will also be a history lesson for you.

This book was so many things, it was engaging, gripping, interesting, witty and contained a fantastic array of characters. Unlike the first book, I worked out who was behind the ‘issues’ from early on, but that didn’t hinder my enjoyment. I also worked out straight away what the problem was with her friend and neighbour, Jaxon.

Overall Haunting the Deep was an enjoyable read with some twists, turns and a few surprises. I didn’t want to put it down and ended up reading the last twenty chapters until the early hours of the morning, determined to finish it.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Adriana Mather

Adriana Mather is the 12th generation of Mathers in America, and as such her family has their fingers in many of its historical pies – the Mayflower, the Salem Witch Trials, the Titanic, the Revolutionary War, and the wearing of curly white wigs.

Also, Adriana co-owns a production company, Zombot Pictures, in LA that has made three feature films in three years. Her first acting scene in a film ever was with Danny Glover, and she was terrified she would mess it up. In addition, her favorite food is pizza and she has too many cats.

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15 Responses

  1. Tasha says:

    Brilliant review and article. It sounds like a good series to pick up.

  2. Jo Linsdell says:

    Sounds like a fun read. I love books that slip really history into the story line.

  3. Terri A. Wilson says:

    Now I for sure need to read these books.

  4. Nicole says:

    Not my typical genre, but sounds like a fun read and a series to boot!

  5. norees says:

    Great Review! Definitely sparked my interest

  6. Mandi Schneck says:

    Yasssss you read it! I hoped you would after reading your review of How to Hang a Witch! So happy you liked it. I can’t wait to see what comes next for Sam!

  7. DJ Sakata says:

    You are on a witching spree!

  8. I know, I really hope she carries on the series.

  9. Nandini says:

    Lovely review !

  10. The Book Recluse Review says:

    My son used to be obsessed with the Titanic, and I have read some interesting twists. This looks like another one. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Heidi says:

    Sounds like a great book and story line!

  12. Ohh great review I’ve been dying too read the first book To Hang A Witch a long time now, and the sequel looks and sounds absolutely fantastic as well. Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. Megan @ Ginger Mom says:

    This one definitely sounds intriguing, though I will admit I’m not a fan of the cover. Great review!

  14. Kathy says:

    Great Review!

  15. Wynne says:

    This is not usually the genre I go for, but I think now is the high time to try something new. Love the review by the way!